Tyan with Hats Part 8

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Tina looked at the address again. She had been tracking Ryan since he had left, and had finally found out his new address at his new apartment in Mesa, Arizona. She had traveled a great distance to find him here, and she had had the entire journey to think about what she would say to him when she finally found him again.

She still felt more nervous than she felt prepared.

Hesitantly at first, she knocked on the door.

"Ryan? Are you home?" There was no response.

"Ding dong! It's the landlord."

"Pizza delivery!"

"Fire Department?"

"Uhh, bank manager! You have an appointment!"

"What do you want, Tina?" Ryan didn't open the door. He sounded tired, like he knew she would find him, but he was hoping she wouldn't.

"I want to be treated like a friend, Ryan." She sighed, speaking from her heart.

"We aren't friends anymore, Tina." The words were like daggers of ice. Here she was, presenting him her heart on a silver platter-maybe she could get a silver platter and do it literally-and here he was, shooting her down.

"Didn't you get the apology piano?" Tina asked, trying to ignore the cold in her heart, and the dread in her stomach.

"Pianos are not suppose to bleed and scream, Tina."

"I suppose it was less of a piano and more a statement on pianos." Tina admitted.

"How is it a statement-you know what, never mind." Tina could hear Ryan sigh through the door. "Why don't you go horrify someone else, Tina?"

"I miss you, and your face. The mask I made isn't good enough. It's not really life like at all to be honest." Tina said, looking at the mask she was holding in her hand. Since Sheep Ryan met his... untimely demise, Tina had been carrying the thing around her everywhere she went, as if it were the comfort blanket to her toddler or something.

"You made a mask of my face?"

"You say that like you're surprised. Oh! Speaking of witch, you might want to lay avoid being seen by the cops for awhile." Tina said, recalling an encounter she had with the police when Sheep Ryan was still alive. It had not ended well...

"Why, Tina..." He wasn't asking her why he should hide from the federal government, he was asking why is she doing this. She could tell by the way he spoke. She felt somewhat embarrassed though, if she had to answer the "why should he lay low" question, so she came up with an excuse.

"To them, you are Nathan Sprout, leader of Russian Mafia." She hated how good she had become at lying. Out of everything about her new self that she hated-the killings, the desire to eat human beings, the mindless trances she would sometimes go into if she didn't get her daily fill of human-her improved ability to lie had to be her least favorite.

"Go home, Tina, or I'll call the police and let them know a zombie is trying to break into my house."

"That's not a great idea, Nathan, and you know it." Tina spat back. "Besides, you know there's no prison I can't eat my way through the guards to get out of." He couldn't kick her out, not before she had the chance to tell him how much she lov-

"I'm dialing." Ryan warned.

"Ryan, please. I don't want to go back to Maine. It's really far away. Do you know how long it took me to walk here?"

"Don't you still have Unicorn's portal technology?"

"Huh, I do still have that. I'd forgotten."

"You forgot..."


"So you walked here?"


"Whose fault is that?"


"You're blaming society?"

"People really should have the common decency to give hitch hikers a ride."

"You're a zombie, Tina."


"So, you'd probably eat them."

"Huh. I guess you're right."

"Please leave, Tina. I really can't deal with you right now."

"What if I gave you a million dollars."

"Tina, if you had a million dollars, you wouldn't have needed to walk here."

"Oh yeah... Well, I burried the Sling Shot Squad funds somewhere. I have a map to it... I could go get that and-"

"No, Tina."

"give that to you instead."

"I'm going to put on music so I can't hear you. I'm not leaving until you do."

Suddenly she heard loud music blasting through the door. She was hurt. He wouldn't even listen to her anymore! How could she tell her that she loved him if he wouldn't listen?

"I'm sorry that flesh me is being so rude to you, Tina." Tina made Mask Ryan say.

"After all we've been through together, he won't even give me a second chance!" Tina complained to the mask.

"You are amazing and do incredible work to help zombies all around the globe. You deserve appreciation of the highest regard."

Tina sighed. "It's okay... He'll come around... Especially after the flower bouquet arrives!"

Tina heard a loud crash and honking, and she grinned, knowing it was the flower bouquet she had a bunch of swans deliver in return for her sparing their lives. The thing had to weigh about as much as an elephant, and it was about as big as one as well. There was no way Ryan would turn her down after this!

"Tina!!!!" Ryan shouted, clearly unamused.

"You are welcome!" Tina called back.

"Go away now! I'm going to file a restraining order against you!"

Tina felt her heart sink in her chest. After everything she'd done, he still wanted her gone? She tried to hide the sob brewing in her throat as she ran away.

Ryan had heard it though.

His heart hurt from hurting Tina so much, but he had to keep what he was doing in Arizona a secret. If she found out, she would try to stop it, he was sure.

Unicorn had called up some of the most brilliant minds in the world, and together they were working on a cure for the zombie virus. He knew leaving a highly murderous zombie on her own was a bad idea, but he knew that she would only do worse and worse things if he stayed around. She really seemed to like the reactions those sorts of things brought from him.

Still, even though he knew that what he was doing was for the best, it still hurt his heart to know how hard Tina was taking their separation. He just needed a little while longer, Unicorn expected two weeks tops, for the antidote to be completed. Then he would go after her and inject it into her, turning her back into the Tina he-uhh-everyone knew and loved.

It took every ounce of his self control to not chase after her, but he stayed in his apartment.

He watched the swans fly away, freed from the burden they had to carry all the way here.

He had to admit, the arrangement was beautiful. It had a lot of daisies, and he remembered how, in Daycare, she had told them those were her favorite flowers. He sighed, smelling the flowers, and they smelled sweet, like Tina had before her transformation. He longed for the day he would have her back, he just had to hold out a little while longer.

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