Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 6)

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Unicorn: Tina, it's your turn to wash the dishes.

Tina: I'll wash the walls with your blood!

Unicorn: Okay, but before you do that, do the dishes. Oh, and use soap this time!


Tina: I taught Pup to say the 7 deadly sins.

Ryan: No you didn't.

Pup: Ruff.

Tina: See, he sad "wrath".

Ryan: He said ruff! You can't teach a dog to-

Pup: Gluttony.


Ryan: What the heck?!


Sabre: *taps pen*

Tina: *taps pen in response*

Unicorn: Stop that.

Tina: Stop what?

Unicorn: You're talking about me in Morris code!

Sabre: Yes, that's exactly what we are doing. In our own, limited free time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.


Tina, to Ryan: That's exactly what we did.


Unicorn: Why is Tina asleep on your shoulder?

Goldy: Shut up! This is sweet!

Unicorn: An hour ago you were complaining that she was devil spawn.

Goldy: I changed my mind.


Kat: Whenever I see a frog on a lily pad I think "Yes, frog, that is exactly where you are suppose to be."

Cookie: That's what god says when he sees me crying in a McDonald's bathroom.


Ryan: Tina... Why is there a green owl out front?

Tina, tapping on her phone furiously: I didn't finish today's Spanish lesson!


Unicorn: *Holds the door open for Goldy after grocery shopping.*

Goldy: After you.

Unicorn: No no, after you.

Goldy: No, I insist, after you!

Tina, holding all of the shopping bags: I don't want to rush you two lovebirds, but these are getting heavy.


Tina: That's kind of a lot of coffee.

Unicorn: Coffee cures depression.

Tina: No it doesn't.

Unicorn: More expresso, less depresso.


Goldy, shining a flashlight under the bed: Tina, are you ready to come out and interact with people yet?

Tina: *demonic screeching*

Goldy: Fair enough, I'll check back later.


Tina: I don't dress to impress, I dress to depress.

Tina: I wanna look so good that people hate themselves.

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