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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


It's the day of the swimming clubs event, the pillars clubs are busy for the final touches for the swimming area, the food preparation and for the audience area.

"Nong pharm, did we already have all of the food that we need?", kong asked his junior who nods back at him.

"Yes p'kong, the cooking club delivered the food earlier, nothing to worry about the food", pharm replied to kong who smiled.

"Thanks nong, say our gratitude to your members, alright nong third how about the photographers?", korg shifted his eyes to third who's arranging the foods on the table, third look at kong and nodded.

"Yes, p they are here already, I managed to barrow five photographers from p'din", third informed his members.

"Very good third, say thank you to din, hmmm alright tin and can hows the audience?", kong questioned the two members who enters the room.

"The whole place are now accepting the audience phi, and at the mean time we have no problem, the whole thing is going so smoothly", can informed their vice president.

"Forth and the other engineers you will be assigned to watched the audience safety, this is my command as a senior head hazer, don't worry cause our first years are helping us to control the crowd, so good luck!!!", arthit announced to the engineers in front of him, all of them nodded and starts to left the room.

"Beam, phana, kit you three are on standby, if someone needs a medical assistance be on them ok", arthit said to the doctors.

"Alright p'arthit, we can do that, so my friends lets go to our area", kit announced as he starts to pulled his friends.

"Wait kit, I'm going to say goodbye to yo", pha tried to protest but beam and kit holds him tight.

"Boss, wayo's not going anywhere, you're overreacting come on let's go see yah guys!!!", beam exclaimed while he and kit pulled phana out of the room, wayo happily waved goodbye to his lover.

"Next khai and third along with your savage gang film the whole event, we need to pass that to mrs principal for compilation, I'll leave this to your group, afterall you're known to be the best in this field", arthit exclaimed to third and khai, khai proudly nodded.

"You can count on us p'arthit we never failed in this kind of task, right third?", khai said to his lover, and third smile.

"Yes, khai so now lets go, we need to find two and bone, I bet that those two are now to the place where are girls are found", third exclaimed as he pulled his lover away.

"See yah later!!!!", khai yelled to bid goodbye.

"Do your best p'third, p'khai!!!!", pharm and In yelled back in unison, third stopped and look back to his cousins to smile.

"The rest help nong pharm in the food distribution, that's all by the way the new members where are they?", arthit announced to his members as he roamed his eyes around the room, pharm and the others nudged their shoulders.

"We don't know p, they still not arrived yet", tine informed their president and arthit sighed.

"Do you want me to find them p?", korn asked as he approached the president.

"No korn, it's alright if they don't want to participate then don't, it's also a good thing for us, because our members will be safe for today, come let's do our job now!!", arthit speech and after that they all went to separate ways to do their task.


"Gooooo.......p'dean!!!!!!!", the students loudly cheered to dean, who's now fighting to win, the whole audience clapped and cheered when dean won for the third time, he again got a gold medal. Pharm proudly smiled while watching his lover.

"Yieee, my brother is blushing while watching his husband!!!", Intouch teased with his hands clasped together, pharm lowers his head in shy while his cheeks turned into bright red.

"In, stop that I'm just proud and happy for his win, that's all and I also watching p'win and teams matched earlier!!!", pharm reasoned with his head still looking at the floor, In giggles to his twin.

"Don't hide it anymore twin of mine, you don't need to be shy about that he's your lover afterall, come on they're on break now let's go distribute the food", In exclaimed to his twin, as they all went outside to give the foods to the audience.

Two more hours passed and the whole swimming competition finally finished, dean and win holds a bunch of papers when they enters the swimming team club room, arthit and the others look at them.

"So any good news p'win?", team excitedly asked to his lover, dean and win happily nodded to them.

"Yes, look at these guys we have fifty and more applicant papers here, thank you for your hardworks for today, many students decided to joined the swimming team", dean announced happily to his members and team, all of them clapped and shouts.

"Congratulation swimmming club, let's call for a celebration!!!!", the pillars members exclaimed excitedly. Dean nodded.

"Yes, we can have the pool for tonight, mrs principal already send foods and materials that we need, it's a pool party guys!!!!", win announced and they all jumped un happiness.

"Yes, pool party !!!!!", the juniors yelled.


"What are we gonna do now, some of them are already suspecting us, if we don't take action to this they will surely catch us", pam worriedly asked to her friends, they were currently at lhongs condo.

"Why are you so afraid pam, we can beat them, did you already forgotten that we need to take revenge to them for what they did to us", lhong firmly exclaimed to pam. The others nodded to him.

"Yes, p'lhong was right, we don't need to feel afraid now, we already hurt some of them we need a little more push, what we did is still not enough", non added with anger visible on his eyes.

"I know but killing is not part of our plan right?, so why do you pulled me away that day p'park?", pam asked to park beside her.

"I know but I don't have any choice that day, I panic, we didn't expected that third, can and yo can't swim", park replied back to pam.

"I'm starting to get bored guys, I want third to suffer now, he embarassed me to khai and the all the sound team last year!!!!", chingching said in irritation as she gripped the sheets tightly.

"Don't worry chingching, I already contact someone to help us, he's a good friend and he's willing to help us!!", lhong announced with a smirked his friends look at him in confusion.

"Who's that p?", non asked out of curiosity.

"It's not the right time for all of you to know but this person will be a great help to our revenge, we will let them rest for now, let them party and be happy cause when we came back we will definitely destroy that club that they holds dearly", lhong onced again announced, all of his friends grinned in excitement.



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