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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

@KaoEarthKornIn_18, sorry for waiting here's my update for today my lovely flower 🌹💚. Thanks for waiting 😉.


"Wayo, p'can, p'third!!!!!!!", team and korn screamed in fear when they saw the three keeps thrashing to the pool, korn and team both jump into the water to save them, type and tine also jump in the pool.

"Hel.......p", wayo yelled in fear and all of a sudden he sank, the others screamed in fear.

"Yo!!!!!!!", beam and In exclaimed in unison, as the tears starts to falls from their eyes, milk and park are currently trembling in fear, they didn't expected this outcome, they just want to teased the members they didn't know that those three can't swim.

"Let's go milk, we need to go now!!!", park whispered in panic as he pulled milk outside the swimming club, milk head keeps shaking in disbelief as she was pulled by park, beam shifted his eyes to the two when they left the building.

Korn, team, type and tine managed to get the three out of the pool, the three lays unconcious due to excess water that they swallowed, beam, team and korn hurriedly perform a cpr to save the three.

"Come on wayo, breath!!!!, phana will definitely kill us if something happens to you, spew that water wayo!!!!!", beam yells in panic as he keeps pumping yo's chest, after a minute wayo finally vomits the excess water and he starts to coughs, third and can also coughs hard.

"Hurry bring them to the clinic now!!!!", beam commanded in panic when the three suddenly lost concousness. Before beam left the area, he looks at team with a questioning look.

"What happened team, why did you returned late?", beam asked his nong, who's currently trembling in worry and fear. Beam holds teams arms to calm him down.

"Don't be afraid nong, just tell me what happened?", beam calmly asked the freshman. Team looks at him.

"P'beam, I don't really know what happens, I went to the storage room to get the flags but when I enters the door suddenly shut down and locked from the outside, I don't see their faces p', but I'm sure that I heard footsteps outside the door, I waited for almost thirty minutes keep calling for help until p'korn arrives, please p'beam I didn't mean this to happened, I really don't know!!!!!", team cried in fear, he knew that third, can and wayos boyfriend will be mad to what happened to them. Beam wipes teams tears as he keeps claming the terrified junior.

"Shhhhhh, shhhhh stop crying nong team, you did nothing wrong please stop crying, everything will be fine I know who did this, stop crying now win will be sad if he sees you crying like this, I'm sure that those three will never blame you for this, come let's go to the clinic", beam soothed his nong as he continued to wipes teams tears, he was so gentle to his nong but inside his heart he was so angry to the one behind this, they almost lost three of his family due to enviness of someone.

After team calm down, he and beam went straight to the clinic to check for their friends.


The two group finally finished on their task, they met at the swimming building parking lot. Tharn frowned in the total silent of the building.

"Does the third group still not done or what?, this building was so quite, type is not a very loud person but I knew that his group composed of the youngters so I assumed that this place will be so much loud?", tharn muttered to arthit and kongpop who both nodded in agreement.

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