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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


I'm currently looking at my laptop with my shaking hands, too many posts about lhong and the others are now on the social media, from facebook, twitter, instragram and even youtube. Their pity faces full of paints are all over my new feed with the caption.

"Gifted university unbehavioral students, don't follow their example"

I unconciously bite my nails due to fear, looks like they're now looking or should I say hunting me. My phone suddenly ring indicating a message.

"Hide......you need to hide, the pillar members are looking for you, and they really in rage, be careful club president", one of my club members texted to me, I tightly hold my phone due to so much fear.

I shifted my eyes to the photos of third hanging on my room, some of them were taken without his consent and the recent ones were the one that I captures when I played with him.

"Those fucking members.......!!!!", I screamed in frustration, after that I hurriedly went to my cabinet and I starts to pack my things. I need to go faraway from this place.

I'm in the middle of packing my things when my phone rings for a call, I answers it without looking for the name.

"Hello!", I greet in a low voice, my brows frowned when no one answers me.

"Hello who's this?", I asked once again, when I look at the name, it's an unknown number.

"I will end the call if you will not tal------",

"Where goin to get you now din, be prepared, the hunters are here!!!", a firm and scary voice answers me, my eyes widens when I realized who's the owner of that voice, it's khai.

I immediately ended the call I also turned my phone off. I closed my bag and starts to leave my condo, when I opens the door I collides to a hard chest.

"What the hell is that?!!!!", I exclaimed angrily, I rubs my head and angrily look up but my eyes suddenly widens when I saw khai angry eyes looking straight to mine.

"We finally found the prey!", khai exclaimed to me in such a scary tone, he smirked and I suddenly felt electricity running into my body, that's the last thing I felt before darkness succumbs me.


"Wake up!!!!!", I abruptly woke up when a pail of water suddenly collides to my face, I gasps in air and immediately look up, my eyes widens when I saw the pillar club president in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing?!!!, release me now!!!!", i screamed in anger when I noticed that my hands and feet aŕe tied to a chair.

"Why do we need to release you?", I shifted to my right, I narrowed my eyes when I saw kongpop and the other members standing on a corner, my eyes locked to khai raging one.

"Hahaha, what will all of you do to me?, you don't even fight in a square, tying me here was just an act of cowardness!", I exclaimed to them. A fist suddenly collides to my cheek.

"Khai can you wait for a moment!!!!", pete and fighter restrained khai from touching me, I gaze at him and smirked.

"Haha, you know what khai, I really loved the smell of your lover, so pure and innocent, his skin are so white and smooth", I informed him, I saw his eyes rage in so much anger, he tried to beat me but being stop by pete and fighter.

"I will fucking kill you?!!!!, you don't have to claimed what's mine!!!!!, third was mine he was mine, you fucking pervert!!!!!", khai screamed in so much anger, I'm about to say sonething when a hand cupped my mouth.

"If I were you I will keep my mouth shut, or I will definitely beat you to death!!!", arthit whispered to me. I look straight into his eyes in such fury.

"Call us cowards, we don't care nong din, where only doing this things to you cause you hurted four of our members, they didn't done anything bad to you, third and all of us treat you with respect yet you still did this kind of things!!!", kongpop patiently said to me yet I can still sense his anger.

"This was all thirds fault, third was supposed to be with me, he supposed to choose me not that fucking khai who always dumped him due to some girls!!!", I exclaimed angrily to them.

"Fine!!!, you want this to happens then go, guys beat him up!!!!", my eyes widens when kongpop suddenly said those words.

"Wait kongpop!-------",

"Enough p'arthit, I will be the one incharged in this matter, pete, fighter, tin and khai do what you want to do to that bastard!!!", I heard kongpop commanded.

"Wait........stop....don't you dare touch....me!!!", I yelled in fear when pete, starts to untie me from the chair, he holds and pushed me to the ground.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh", I scream in pain when a foot connects to my abdomen, after that a fist collides to my cheeks and head, I curled in a cocoon as I cried in pain.

"How dare you hurt my cousin, you fucking bastard!!!!!", tin screamed on my face, after that he kick my abdomen.

"Stop......stop....now,.....accchk", I screamed in pain as I vomits blood, my whole body was filled with bruises and wounds now.

"Pain,.....feel the pain......that pain was nothing to what my third and the others feels right now!!!!", khai exclaimed.

I tried to protect myself from their punches yet my world starts to blur, I felt dizzy and my eyes can't focus anymore.

"I'm .......sorry.....please....stop", I whispered before the darkness once again engulfed me.


"Ahhhhhh!!!", khai screamed in so much anger, he stepped on dins abdomen. Pete and fighter immediately holds khai shoulders to stop him when they noticed that din was already unconcious.

"Khai enough he's already unconcious you will kill him if you continue that!!!", can tried to pushed khai backwards away from dins body.

"And why would I can, did you see my lovers condition, he's in trauma, can trauma, what if he can't survive------", khai was cut off when can slapped him hard, khai slowly look to can and he found the boy crying.

"And you think that its also alright to me?, he's my lovers cousin so he's also my cousin, and I want to really avenged what happened to him, but if you kill that bastard and you got in jail what will third feel!!!", can screamed to khai face, tin lowered his head as the tears falls from his eyes.

Khai falls to his knees, as he cried in so much anger and pain, tin wrapped his arms around his lover while can cried in sadness.

Note: finally the electricity was back again, I can finally update my stories. I hope the my flowers are still here waiting eagerly to my updates.



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