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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


"Whattttt!!!!!!", the pillars members exclaimed to phana who's now standing at the front.

"Yes, for today we will be going to be in the medical club, we will help the sotus club in their activities today regarding their juniors", phana explained more to the members.

"What are we gonna do?", team asked the three medical students.

"We will just obeserved them nong team, if someone got injured or fainted due to this head hazer punishment we will treat them thats all nongs, so don't worry no surgery and blood involve maybe a needle but no more than that", beam exclaimed with a smile, forth who's beside him smirked and speak.

"Don't believe this man, nongs medical team involves those scary equipment, and when we got an injury many blood loss will definite occurs", forth exclaimed making the first years to gasps in fear.

"Asshole, don't scare the juniors, forth you and your gang was the one who's cruel to your juniors, you've always give punishment even if its not necessary to do it", beam shouted back to his lover with his serious face and firm voice. Forth eyes narrowed in annoyance. Those punishment was their faculty pride.

"And about your medical club beam, you and your fclaculty members was just sitting there while watching us, you're always got the juniors attention thats why were punishing them for lacking off, you don't know anything about our goal for that activity we need to nurtured the engineering students to be brave in the future", forth said using his serious voice, yet he remained calm cause he didn't want to raise his voice to his lover.

"That's not true forth, we didn't want that attention that your saying about, we did what we need to do to support your activities, we even stay out there under that freaking sun to observed and treats the students, it's you who's the problem yes you're making them braver, but violence is not an answer, you keep them running around the oval even if some of them already fainting because of fatique thats not the proper personality of a leader", beam replied back to his lover and the tension was starting to raise up. The members keep quiet but they can see that forth is starting to lose his control. Arthit stood up and was about to say something when forth suddenly scream.

"You don't have a right to said those words to me beam, respect me, I'm only doing that for their sake, you don't understand, so keep your mouth shut or else------------",

"Or else what forth, you will also punish me like those juniors then do it, I always said to you how I hated your punishment, yet you never listened to me, you're more than worse than p'arthit and p'kongpop!!!!!!!!, accccck", beam eyes widens when he felt a palm collided to his cheeks making his face turned left.

"Forth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", phana, kit and all of the engineering yells in shock, while the others became silent to what they saw.

Forth eyes widens as he realized what he did, his body starts to trembles when he saw how's beams body is, beam hand were on his cheeks who's now red due to the slap while the other hand were on his mouth muffling the cries that wants to escape. Droplets of tears were falling from his eyes.

"Beam!!!!", forth said as he tried to hold beams body but beams hand slap forth hands away.

"Don't you fucking touch me!!!!!!!!!!!", beam cries in pain while his eyes were looking back at forth with pure betrayal. Phana and kit holds beam to calm him down.

"You promise me that you will never hurt me forth, you promise me!!!!!!!!!!, you're like my father, men always break their promisses, I hate you!!!!!!!!!!", beam cries he untangle phana and kit hands to him, beam walks to his desk to get his things, after that he hurriedly left the room.

"Beam wait I'm sorry----------", forth were cut of when a punch collided to his cheeks, when he look up he saw phana.

"I know how loud beam was, he can teased us until we lost our control, but you forth you've promised me that day when you asked me and wayo if you can court beam to be your lover, you promised me that you will never hurt him!!!!!!!!", phana shouted to forth who's head lowered with tears now falling to his eyes.

"You knew his past forth, beam never kept a secret from you forth, so I know that you knew about his trust issues", kit added up and forth nodded.

"I know kit, I know", forth cries.

"Crying like that won't help you this time forth, do something or your relationship will be put into an end because of this", phana firmly said as he pulled kit to him and they both left the room.

"Forth, fix yourself everything will be alright, you need to apologize to your lover forth, the engineers lovers keep our hearts safe and protected, in return we promised to treat them with love, and thoughtfulness, yes they maybe sometimes make a mistake but that's not enough reason to hurt them, I always had a fight with kongpop yet I never raise a hand to him because we knew that its not the right thing to do", arthit explained to his junior who nodded, forth wipes his tears.

"I know p, I will fix this promise", forth exclaimed back and he also left the room.

"Hhmmmmm so what will happened now p'arthit?", tine asked their president with a confuse look but a bit of sadness in his tone.

"We will do want we need to do nong tine, we already arrange the medical faculty and we can't cancel it now, and I know those three they were professional, they will do this", arthit announced to everybody with a smile on his face.

"I hope that p'forth and p'beam will be reconcile again, p'beam looks really hurt", pharm sadly commented.

"Don't worry nong pharm, forth knew what he needs to do, and I trust him in this matter, he knows his lover more than anyone", kongpop exclaimed to the members with a smile on his face.


"I wish that you're not my son, you killed you mother, she died because he saved you that day!!!!!!!",

"Father, please don't hurt me anymore, please I'm sorry I didn't meant that to happened, I'm so father please don't hurt me anymore",

"You're useless, get out of my house now, I don't want to see you anymore!!!!!!!",

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, stop I don't want to remember you anymore!!!!!!!", beam screamed at the top of his lungs, memories played to his mind. Phana and kit instantly holds their friends body to calm him down.

"Beammie, please don't cry anymore, forget those memories, please forget those memories", kit cried as he hug his friends shivering body.

"Kit, pha I don't want to see those memories again, I don't want forth to be like my father, I don't want to feel that pain again!!!!!!!", beam cried to his friends shoulders.

"Shhhhhh, beam forth didn't meant what he said and did, he's also suprised in what he did please calm down", phana said yet beam ignored them and he cries and screamed in pain until his body gave up in exhaustion, beam collapse, kit and phana hurriedly catches beams body.



Faculty Unites (BL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora