Chapter 66 - Avoided

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Nina's POV

Being avoided by your 'ex' is okay.

Being avoided by the new guy you like is also okay.

But, being avoided by your ex and the new guy you like is most definitely not okay.

10 days have passed, nearly two weeks, with just a couple of 'hey's said everytime I passed by him or he by me. We filmed our scenes acting in love, then as soon as we were done filming we'd brush eachother off, as if we hadn't been together for an hour.

I hated the feeling I'm getting everytime I'm around him.. Ian..

The past few weeks his foundation got even more successful than it already was, which only made him work even harder on it.

Chris on the other hand, he stopped hanging out with me during our breaks in set or during the weekend. We texted a lot, talked a lot but never in person.

It's like he was afraid of me, and the only way to protect himself and shield himself is through his phone. Though I have a feeling deep down he's only doing it because he doesn't want Ian to see.

On the good side keeping my distance with Chris and Ian gave me a lot of time to hang out with my friends.

I started going to Malibu on weekly basis, seeing Riawna, Jules, Morgan, Ash and the rest of my friends who live there. I plan on buying a house next time I'm there, but today it's all about Candice, since it is her bridal shower.

It's a 'surprise' bridal shower, apparently so we have to be very careful on a lot of things. I lied about 10 times to Candice to make this work. But looking at my work I felt extremely proud of me and my friends.

The bridal shower is being held at the lower level of my house, mainly the living room.

Phoebe spent the night last night to help with decoration. We blew up about 30 condoms and threw around 30 all around the floor. Colorful thongs were either sticked to the wall or thrown on the floor in a neat kind of messy way. We set up cups on shape of boobs on the dinner table and had straws that had a shape of a penis. Other kinky clothes and lingerie were all around the place.

Though we had a few 'innocent' decartion hung up. A couple of 'bridal shower' banners, lifesize balloons of a bride and groom, and a lot of bridal shower themed balloons.

We invited all of our friends, and co-workers from over the years. A few of Candice friends that I'm not close with were coming too. But I'm excited to see the look on Candice's face.

"Hey girlies!" Claire said getting in. "This is so fucking beautiful. You better throw me one like this one for my bridal shower."

"Sure, Claire, sure." Phoebe said. "Okay they'll be here in about 10 minutes, Claire you stay here while Neen and I go change."

"Fine, bitches. Don't take too long." She yelled as we hurried up the stairs.

Dress code is white so I had no trouble finding a white dress in my closet, I did have trouble choosing between three pretty white dresses though.

The doorbell rang and by the time I was done the person I least expected to come by was seated on my couch.

"Hey, Nina." She said smiling.

I bit the inside of my cheek and took a deep breath, "Hey, Adriana. Um- sorry I meant Andrea." I said. I knew her name, though, I just didn't like her at all.

"Oh come on, Neen. It's been months of knowing me and you still call my name wrong? Every single time I see you, you call me Adriana. It's funny though, I'm calling the baby inside of me Adriana." She said letting a very annoying laugh.

Baby? Ian's baby?

I smiled a fake one, "So Ian invited you?"

"No, that asshole. He didn't even tell me. I found out by my own, I hope you don't mind, honey, but Candice is my friend aswell."

"Not at all." I said, plastering a fake smile.

She had this smirk in her voice which frankly pissed me off. It pissed me of that she was brave enough to call herself Candice's friend.

Within five minutes my living room was full all of our girl friends, the guys were coming after Candice.

"I missed you all!!" Kayla grinned. Even though she was only in the first season as Vicki Donovan and a couple of other episodes, we still made time to see eachother. I've known for a very long time now. Though the last time I had seen her, was after I came back from LA to Ian for our little misunderstanding. It has been a long time, unfortunately. But thank goodness she made it tonight.

"I know." I said smiling, and at the same time Kat said, "Me too!!"

"Girls Candice is on her way! She'll be here in 10 minutes, and if there's traffic and I don't think there is at this time she'll be here in 15-20 minutes! When I say Donkey loudly, it means she's right outside and that you bitches should keep your mouths shut." Phoebe said loud enough for the 24 girls to hear then turned on music for entertainment.

Something about Andrea's appearance tonight gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. Like she is up to something.

Which reminds me, where the hell is she?

"Have you seen Andrea?" I asked.

"You mean Ian's kinky bitch? Nope haven't seen her." Claire shrugged. You see, no one really likes Andrea, because of the drama that happened between Ian and I that revolved around her.

I groaned but hearing Julie say, "She wanted to go to the bathroom she went upstairs."

Now I knew she was up to something for sure, because A. Just a few minutes ago I told everyone where the restrooms were and B. It's rude of her to go to a person who's barely acquaintance with her house and barge in the higher floor, without even permission.

I rushed up the stairs to see what is up with her. "Andrea?!"


And there was still no answer. All the bathrooms upstairs are doors that are inside bedrooms.

I entered my room, and found her, "What are you doing here?" I frowned asking.

"I don't know." She answered.

"Wait are you crying?" I asked when I opened the lights and saw her seated on the floor.

"No bitch my eyes are red because I just sniffed cocaine." She retorted sarcastically, "Of course I am."

"Are you okay?" I asked dryly. I added, "And no need to be rude."

"So you and your friends can be rude to me? And I can't to you?! You are so pathetic. You and your friends! I loved Ian!! And I love him still he won't even give me a chance because of you! He called me the other day and I was damned excited, hoping we'd get an action but no, all he did was talk about you! I can't even get myself a man like him, and you're just a bitch who ignores him! He loves you so much and you- you don't even love him the way he loves you. You don't deserve him! Everything he does is because he cares for you! Because he loves you! He's every woman's dream- And you, you selfish bitch! I'm acting like a hooker for him! He won't even pay attention to me! And you don't even try and he just keeps on loving you!" She yells and I am almost sure that everyone downstairs was able to hear her.

"You come in my house, without an invitation I must add, and insult me?! Get out Andrea! Now!" I demanded, yelling at her with all the anger.

"Just like that?! No question that you're dying for an answer."

"No, I don't care. Get. Out." I said through gritted teeth.

"Fine, but I'll tell you anyways. I can pretty much see how dying you are. The baby is Ian's. You were in California. He was horny, he called and we had sex. With no condom, on purpose. Two months old fetus. Now I'll leave. If girl, Adriana if boy, Dylan. You and I both know how much Ian loves the name Dylan." She wiped her tears and smirked leaving the room.

I didn't quiet know if I didn't believe her because I know she's lying or because I didn't want to..

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