Chapter 62 - Bourbon

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Chapter 62

Ian's POV

"I can't believe you, Ian!" Caroline frowned. Julie was too shocked to even speak. "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. I don't want to be a part of the show anymore. It's been six years already. I'm ready to go for another part."

"A contract is a contract, Ian." Kevin added furiously.

"We've worked so hard on these episodes! You can't just decide you want to quit!" Julie spat.

"And I'll do anything to get out of this contract. It's ending in a few months, anyways." I said casually. "It's getting boring, the show. We have lost so many fans, it's not even that fun to act in nowadays, I'd rather do nothing than be here." I said, obviously lying.

"Either you put your brain back in your head or we'll speak through lawyers. You're going to ruin everything!" Kevin said, raising his voice. "It's your decission now, Mister. Either you stick it up and be a man or you leave and you won't ever hear from us again. You have two minutes to decide."

It's scary isn't it? Giving two minutes to decide for a thing that could change my life forever.

I just don't want to see her anymore. Everytime I do, the words she told me come back to my mind.

Everything we have had for the past few years, she just said she didn't like. And could I blame here? I was constantly arguing with her making her mad. But she's not innocent either, I know she tries to find the worst ways to make me mad.

"Fine." I said.

"Fine what? You'll quit or you'll stay."

3 pair of eyes were looking at me worriedly waiting for an answer.

"I'll stay." I finally answered. And the look of worry on their faces changed to look of relief.

"Just don't expect me to stay for any more seasons. I love you, guys. But I can't be here, I shouldn't be. I'm sorry."

They nodded without saying anything, they all looked furious. It had been weeks since I had last seen Nina. Apparently they are coming tomorrow. Which is why I wanted to do something about it, but unfortunately failed.

The past few days I kept myself busy with the Ian Somerhalder Foundation and all, meeting my friends but even with all the work I could not get her out of my head.

"But when I'm with you all I feel is sadness, you're only nice to me and treating me well when you know you have done something wrong!"

The thing is, I couldn't stop thinking about her because I felt bad. The plane back to Atlanta made me realise how harsh I was with her. Calling her things I shouldn't of. Not that she didn't say anything. I always thought those things myself, but hearing them come out of her mouth.. It hurt like hell.

I just wanted to just be able to not care about her anymore, not have this weird fucking feeling in my heart everytime I hear her name.

I know I need a drink, which is why I headed to Paul's for the night. I got in without knocking the door, we're very close so it doesn't matter. And besides, Phoebe isn't here so I'm certain I won't walk on them having sex.

"Hey budd!" I said.

He raised a finger gesturing for me to wait as he nodded, "What? No! Why'd she do that!" Curiousity took the best of me and I tried to sit closer to him in hopes I'd hear what's going on.

"But she wanted it so bad!" Paul frowned.

"Did she even tell you why?"

Paul sighed, "Okay baby. I love you so much, I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'll be there at the airport okay? And I'm taking the day off to stay with you. Be careful."
He chuckled at something Phoebe said before hanging up.

"Is everything okay? You sounded serious." I told Paul.

"Hello, to you. And yes. It's Nina."

I tried to act cool, like I don't even care but Paul probably knew what I trying to do. I nodded hoping worry doesn't show on my face. "And?"

"It's weird you know? She's been trying so hard for a role and they liked her, now she said no."

My eyes widened at that as I swallowed hard. Did she do that for me? Maybe.. I groaned mentally at myself.

"Paul. I'm in the mood of some bourbon and sex."

"Wow. Hold up, are you sure you're not Damon right now? I'll go with the first one but definitely not the second one."

"Good! Let's go." I said getting up.

"Hold up Ian." I heard him say, "Sit. We need to talk, mister."


"Don't act dumb, Ian."

I sighed and rolled my eyes before taking a seat near him. "Talk." I shrugged.

"You know, for a very long time, I was saying bros before hoes. I was there for you even when you did the worst things to her. Now I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you making her cry. She loves you! And everytime you fuck up every single fucking thing. I'm sorry Ian, but please just don't be with her anymore, you've already hurt her way too much. Now, look, she's ruining her acting career because of you."

I clenched my jaw trying hard not to punch his face. "Fuck you Paul. I'll go on my own."

I said and walked out. Of course, Nina is the angel and I'm the evil one. She's always the innocent one. Paul didn't come after me and so I didn't bother waiting for him to come out.

I got in my car and drove the nearest bar, a very well known. Which means it'll be crowded. Just perfect!

30 minutes later I was already seated in a stool in front of a bar, and had downed 3 shots of tequila.

I took my phone out and texted Nina, "Hey. Why didn't you take the role??"

I was glad she replied less than two minutes later. "I thought you didn't want me to."

I typed quickly, "I wanted you to, I was happy for you. But I also wanted to spend more time with you."

"You're fucking pathetic, Ian. Goodbye."

"Excuse me. I need bourbon." I told the bartender.

And then it suddenly hit me... I have the perfect distraction.
I dialed the number that I still remember by heart even though the last time I talked to her was months ago.

"Hey." I said into the phone.

"Hey. Long time, no talk." She said back.

Biting my lip, I quickly told her, "I need you to come here. I need you so bad right now. Hurry up, or the offer will be gone."

"Fine, where are you, though? Usual?"

"No, the one where I met you at." I answered.

"I'll meet you there in 10." She said, I could tell that she smiled into the phone.

"Drive in your own car, cause then we're going back to your place." I said.

"Oh so that's your meaning of needing me?" She chuckled lightly.

"Of course. I'll buy you drink first, too." I smirked.

"Good. Goodbye, Ian."

"See you later, Andrea"

((((Hey everyone! Happy New Year!! I can't believe it's 2015 already! I hope you have had a great 2014, and I hope you'll have a great 2015! I'm thankful for having all you readers. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a good day/night wherever you are. Please vote, comment and share. If you have any suggestions just private message me and I'll do my best to write what you want to read. xo))))

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