Chapter 13 - Torn

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I know I keep changing from Nina's POV to no one's cause I don't know what's better... So please tell me in the comments. Do you think I should continue doing Nina's POV or no one's?


The group of 10 ended up going to one of the greatest museums around Melbourne, they also met many fans and soon had to leave when they got mobbed by the fans.

After museums they went to a lake and rode paddling boats. Each two together, and of course Nina sat next to Ian. Nina hated lying to her friends, especially Candice, but she had to. Well not really but she wanted to do it for Rebecca and erm Ian himself. During their walk, the 'couple' lied and told them they were going to New York to have their own vacation. When in reality they were going to see becky. Their friends were very upset, of course but they all felt very happy that their back.

The whole 'The Vampire Diaries', from the directors and producers to the actors and actresses, and even every one on the set, knew that Ian and Nina are made for eachother. Nina spent the whole time smiling, but she didn't herself if she was faking it or if it was real.

During the paddling boats, Nina and Ian being the clumsy ones, went to the side where nobody's allowed, but those two still did. They ended up being chased by ducks, and just when they wanted to paddle away, they hit a rock and the boat broke from down causing almost the whole boat to be filled with dirty water.

Now here they are, with their pants soaking wet, laughing their asses of while their friends were somewhere eating lunch.

"I'll change quickly in the bathroom, you can change in here if you want." Nina told Ian.

"Yeah, okay." He said still unable to control his laugh. How they got so afraid of stupid ducks, they don't understand...

Nina was always good at picking her outfits fast, which is great for girls. She ended up wearing a cute royal blue dress and held a black leather jacket with her.

She met Ian out in the room he was already changed, leaning on the door frame texting on his phone. And Nina felt furious, but chose not to say anything.

He cant just play with my emotions. Kissing me then running off to his girlfriend? She thought. She laid down on the bed, he didn't seem to have noticed her as he was too busy texting Andrea. She hated the mix emotions she was feeling. Guilt, shame, hatred, jealousy, and the list goes on and on...

She checked her phone herself and texted in their friends group that they'd come later. Suddenly she felt his lips on hers, kissing her firmly, he helped her sit up straight and had his arms around her waist. "No one's in here to see." Nina said between the kisses.

"I know." He mumbled while kissing her neck, Nina held back her moan as he continued, "I want to kiss you myself." He got back to kiss her lips and she kissed back, her hands tangled in his hair. It lasted for barely a minute until she pulled away.

"No Ian. You can't do that!" She whispered. "Why not?" He frowned. She felt fraustrated and angry so she let it all out by yelling. "Because Ian you have a fucking girlfriend! You can't kiss me then go back to her! I'm not a fucking toy or an item!" He just stared at her not saying anything which only made her angrier. "Say something Ian!"

"She's not my girlfriend." She heard him mumble, she wasn't quite sure at first until he repeated what he said. "Great! Now i've ruined your relationship, I feel much better" Nina said sarcastically.

"No you don't understand." He said. Nina stared at him, confused as ever, "then make me!"

"I never dated her." Was all he said. "But- but you told us that-" Nina didn't even know what to say. She wasn't as happy as she would expected herself to be, instead she was hurt.

"I know i'm sorry." He apologised. "Then why did you lie?" She questioned. "Because Nina-" he stopped and looked at her but she didn't want to listen. All this was too much for her, she walked away.

"See that's what I hate about you Nina. Always walking away from what's bothering you-" he yelled.

She yelled back at him, "now this is all my fault?! Im sorry but Ian you pretty much lied to us! And we're your friends you made me feel guilty-"

"Well now you're lying to your friends. So you're not better than me." He yelled again. The yell war was going on...

"I'm doing it all for you! Because I-" she trailed off. Does she still love him though? He lied to her, made her feel guilty for kissing him when he was 'dating' Andrea not to mention the time where he used to ignore her.

"Well news flash Nina, I did this all for YOU! Yes I lied. But you know why? I wanted to make you feel jealous! I wanted you to come back to me! I didn't wanna break up with you! You were supposed to say i'm not giving up on us, and right after that I'd get on one knee and do this." He said throwing a velvet box onto the bed. Oh my god, Nina thought. "Goddammit Nina!! Why'd you have to ruin all my plans? OUR plans?"

This was all confusing. A part of her hated him now, well not hated but maybe disliked?

Why? How could he do this to me? Did I really ruin that? But he could've done it the other way, right? Nina asked herself silently.

She ended up replying him in a very calm tone, "well, things don't always go the way we expect them to." And with that she got off the bed and outside the room.

She hated everything that was going on at this moment. He was going to propose to her... But it isn't her fault? Too many things were rushing in her mind. She felt like she was going to cry, but at the same time, she wasn't. She knew she's stronger than that.

Why didn't he just propose like a normal person instead of putting a whole act? She thought. Which was kind of true, Ian was regretting what we he did. "No. No..." He was saying to himself quietly. He was finally getting closer to her, but now everything is ruined.

How could I be so stupid? Ian thought. DAMMIT!

He ran and chased after her, "Nina please listen to me I-" but she cut him off, "No Ian I want you to listen to me. I'll continue this sick lie with our friends and I'll pretend too. Just please when we aren't in front of anyone don't kiss me, and even try to hold my hand. I'm doing all of this not for you, but for Becky. I know she got us together, and if it'll make her happy, I'll pretend that we're together in front of her too. But other than that, I don't want a relationship with you."

"No, Nina please I don't I can't l-" Ian wanted to finish what he was saying but was cut off by Nina, again. It irritated him but he didn't want to make a big deal about it, "Please Ian, don't make this hard. I need time to figure it out. You pretty ripped my heart out and broke it, I don't think it'll ever be fixed anytime soon. Well, not by you. You're the reason it's- torn." And that's what they were, Torn. Ian, Nina and their fucked up minds.

He nodded and said quietly, "then I hope another man will be able to put your heart back to where it belongs, all stitched up." They both turned, not wanting to be seen crying by eachother. And it was funny cause they both didn't know they were crying over eachother.

"I'll wait in the lobby." Nina said, obvious by her voice that she had been crying.

Ian went back to the room and let the tears fall down his cheek, not bothering to wipe them. I lost the love of my life, because of how stupid I've been. He thought to himself. He went back to their room, and took the box back in his pocket.

He mentally wrote down a list about the shit he did to her that broke her heart, he suggested a break up, went for days not talking to her and ignoring her at every chance possible, he broke too many promises, fake dated another woman just to make her jealous, all those lies he fed her up, even when they were together , he made her feel like piece of shit sometimes and then he remembered the one thing that was the worst; he forced her into having an abortion to their few weeks fetus, when she wanted to have it.

Man I really have fucked up...

I'll give the time she needs for now, but I won't give up. It might take weeks, months or even years but I promise we'll learn to love again...

Ian thought, finally wiping the tears of his eyes.

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