Chapter 52 - Still and Always

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(((unedited chapter, if I have any errors please comment and tell me so I can fix it)))

The lunch with my big brother was amazing, we talked about the both us, our careers, our love lives and even our futures, then we started talking about our old memories together. I don't I've been this happy for a while now, I am with Ian but this is a different kind of happy.

I didn't have to worry about anything else, and it felt great! I didn't even worry about making it to my next interview.

After lunch my brother of course drove me to the interview. As soon as we got in they served us both water and coffee, while he waited outside the room, I got in.

The room wasn't too big but not small either, 3 chairs sat at the center of the room. I've been here at least 2 or 3 times this year, I sat down with the interviewers, Anna and Molly, about 3 photographers surrounding us, and 2 cameras were set right in front of me.

"Hello from the studio! We are here today with the amazing Nina Dobrev." Anna said as I waved into the camera.

"So tell us Nina, what brings you here in Cali?" Molly asked.

"I came here for an award show, the Teen Choice Awards and now I'm staying because of all the interviews I have for the new movie 'Let's Be Cops.'" I answered with a smile.

"Congratulations on your new surfboard by the way."

"Thank you!"

"So we have a few question for you and we'd like it if you answered, so many rumors have been spreading around that you're leaving 'The Vampire Diaries' now is it true, and why?"

I knew somehow they were going to ask me the question, "It's true my contract is ending this year. But I don't know, I'm not sure when I will actually leave the show, I might sign another contract for the show. But for now, I'm not sure what I want."

"Okay, well I hope you will because I don't think I can survive without watching a new TVD episode every thursday." Anna said and we shared a laugh before she asked a question, "How did you feel shooting Let's Be Cops? Did it feel a bit different than tvd?"

I took a breath and shrugged, "It didn't feel that different, because over the years I've also filmed a few movies while shooting for The Vampire Diaries, but it was amazing. The guys and people there are hilarious, it was a good change."

"So you don't get bored with The Vampire Diaries, I mean you've been in the same series for what? 6 years?"

I nodded, "Yeah, almost, I think.. I lost count." I laughed, "But no I don't get bored, you see that's what I love about my role, I get to, got to," I corrected myself when I remembered Katherine died," play 2 characters in the series, 3 if you count Tatia. And each character has a completely different personality, even the character herself has changed through the years. If you look at Elena in the first season and the fifth, you won't even recognise her, people are saying that she became like Katherine. Even her style changed, so it's very hard to get bored with it. And with our cast and crew, it makes it impossible to get bored with it. And that's why I love the show so much!" I explained.

"I love it too! You're a great actress."

"Thank you!" I said, shyly.

"And for the last question of the day, are you still with Ian?"

The question was very predictable, but it still shocked me. I stopped talking for a minute and thought. I didn't know, honestly, I mean yes we fucking are together, but then again are we really?

If Candice was here she would tell me you "You need to DTR" And DTR stands for Define The Relationship to Candice.

"Yeah. We are still together." I answered.

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