Chapter 63 - Chris

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"Oh how I've missed you, Smouldy." She said with her sleepy voice.

"Mhm." I replied.

"Oh come on cheer up a bit. After the sex we've had last night you should be in the best mood." She teased, touching my abs with her finger tips. "You're up for another round?"

I moaned when she touched my tip, "What time is it?"

"12." She said, while placing kisses on my lower body.

"Fuck." With that I pushed her away and stood up.

"What the fuck? One minute you're nice and then you're a fucking asshole. No wonder she left you."

I slid on my pants that were thrown on the floor, and wore my shirt. "Listen honey," I said pushing her roughly against the bed and kissed her, "I'll fuck you when I want to. I'm in no mood to be in a relationship. Okay?"

"I'll tell Nina about us." She threatened with tears in her eyes.

"So? Tell her. Because A) last night was the first time in months since I had last seen you, let alone talk to you and B) I'm not with Nina."

"Fuck you, Ian."

"You al-" I wanted to say but that was Nina and I's joke, only.

She rolled her eyes, "You and I both know that you'll be back together. And when you do, I'll tell her everything."

I ignored her and walked out of the door.

"Am I going to see you tonight?" She yelled, loud enough for me to hear.

"If I feel like it." I yelled back.

"Baby, you better return the favour when I want it." Was the last I heard before getting out of her appartment.

My car is in the bar. Fucking shit. Just fucking great.

I opened my phone which was at 18%, another thing to make my day, but hey at least it's not dead.

I used an Uber app and waited for it to come. Today's going to be amazing.
First, I'm late to work.
Second, my car is at a bar.
Third, I'm wearing a shirt from yesterday and I'm certain everyone saw me in it, normally it's okay. But when it smells like alcohol it's not really.

I'm glad I'm not that hangover though. Less than 5 minutes later, the Uber driver was here. I gave him the address and he drove there in silence.

I prepared myself mentally for the words Kevin was going to tell me. Such a sweetheart he is, until you piss him off. And by the way I told them I wanted to quit, I'm sure he's still mad no- furious at me, and will be probably for a long time.

My heart fell when I saw Nina's car parked. Shit, I thought.

As soon as I entered as expected, Kevin came, "3 hours late, Ian. Are you trying to be a bad ass so we fire you? Guess what, Mr. Somerhalder, this is not a job where we fire people. This is a job of contracts. You sign a contract, you stick to it." He said, calmly.

"Sorry man." I apologised, looking down.

"You should be! And god! What's that smell?! Somerhalder you need to shower! You have 30 minutes to get ready for your next scene hurry up!"

I nodded and walked off, sighing. Today's going to be such a long day.


Neither Paul nor Candice were here for today since Paul excused himself and Candice couldn't shoot the scene herself without Paul.

It wasn't boring but I had gotten used to Candice being hyper even early in the morning, talking to us about her wedding which is in less than two weeks from now.

Kat was getting ready for her next scene and I was alone in my room removing my makeup. It was quiet boring, being alone. Which is why I have Kings of Leon playing in the background to keep me entertained.

But as always, I was interrupted by a knock.

"Come in." I said loudly.

"Hey." Chris said coming in.

"Oh hey, Chris. I didn't think it would be you."

He chuckled, "Sorry, was I interrupting anything?"

"My boredom, so thank you for coming in." I joked with a smile on.

He smiled before asking "Um so I was going to say, is everything okay?" I could hear the concern in his voice and saw it on his face which I found cute but left me confused.

"Yeah, what do you mean?"

"Yesterday, I heard a lot of screaming and yelling going on. Turns out it was Ian, trying leave the show. He wanted to quit."

My eyes widened as I gasped, "What?! And he didn't did he?"

I hate what he said to me, I hate how he made me feel but I could never hate him. And if he did that it means it's all my fault.

"No, they didn't let him. So is everything okay between the two of you?"

"I mean we broke up, I think but I didn't think he would take it this far." I frowned "The past few months we were together on and off, but I never thought he'd actually try to quit."

He nodded, "Yeah. Well I'll get you back to doing whatever you were doing." He laughed, "I have to go for my next scene with him."

"Okay." I said.

It's time to ask him to escort me for the Candice's wedding.

"Wait! Chris!"

"Yes?" He said turning to look at me.

"Would you like to get dinner with Kat and I, tonight?" I asked.

"Sure, sure. I'd love that." He smiled. "I'll see you later.

"See ya. Oh and have fun." I told him.

I have no idea why I chickened out on asking him to come with me to Candice's wedding. But when I did, Ian's face flashed in to my head and I couldn't bring myself to ask Chris.

I have no idea how, but I fell asleep while checking my instagram. It must've been from exhaustion from shopping with the girls the past few days.

Two hours. Two fucking hours asleep in the chair which I must say is very uncomfortable.

Just as I got up to see when are they going to be needing me, I found Ian he stared at me for what seemed like a decade before turning around.

"Ian." I called.

He looked at me plainly, "What?"

"Why'd you go through the trouble you went throught yesterday?" I asked, walking closer to him, "If you wanted to avoid seeing me you could've just said so. I could've left and shot for the movie."

Make him believe that I want him and that I feel bad. ✔️

Now there's just two more things and then I'll make him feel awful.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair, "I- I don't know. And you.. Why didn't you take the part? Didn't you want it so bad?" He frowned.

I took my chance and lied, "For you."

Now there's one more thing then I'll make sure he regrets saying what he said.

Immediately the look on his face changed, "I I don't what to say."

I shook my head, "Don't. I'll see you later."

I hid my smirk until he couldn't see my face anymore. I'm not saying that there's no chance of us getting back together because nobody knows that, but I just want to make him regret being a fucking asshole to me every couple of weeks before getting with him again. I need to teach him a lesson.

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