Chapter 58: Scratched Wounds

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Wounds are deep and deeper, with no cure and heal, when caused by the loved and trusted ones~

Wounds are deep and deeper, with no cure and heal, when caused by the loved and trusted ones~

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That man was a charm to be sure, just physically. His twinkle in his eyes as he glared at Eunjae and a voice that is more warm than sunlight on amber.

"This is new..." Yoongi smirks.

This one has that air of power, of total confidence. She wants to back away because he's nothing but creepy. There was something in the way he was looking at Eunjae too, like he's doing so much more than just taking in her form like others do. Her bare hands and back felt like freezing by the situation and she can't do anything yet.

And when he was done, a chortle escapes his lips when he realises the real situation infront of him.

"Lee Eunjae isn't in her transe? What's the sorcery.." he snickered.

In this way, his own face starts to look like a mask, controlled in order to have a particular effect on her. All that she had to do was have a control on her herself, on her fear and anger.

"W..Why..?" She whispers as her eyes flickered.

He merely stood there without answering, leaned back, amused to watch a new scene reveal right there.

"Why did you do this..." her hands slowly curved into fists, the curve on his lips annoying her. "Why the fuck did you use me like that!?"

"Wow.." he chortled again. "Eunjae now remembers everything as well..? How did that happen.." the amusement did not leave his features, still smirking.

She won't get angry this time, she won't let him control her again.

She grits her teeth."I remember everything.." she speaks lightly. "..every fucking thing.."

Hours of morning
At the house in Incheon

Insanity stole into her mind like a deranged thief, taking what was important to her, adding new dangerous ideas, seeding a new personality and muddling up the rest.

Cascading out of control, luring her further and further from the self she once knew, until she was so deep that she no longer recognised the person she was right now.

But it was just about coming back into her senses, just a snap to realise what she was upto.. or what she would have had done if she hadn't stop.

She stopped.. with the blade raised up in the air, that soon started coming down. Her anger is what she had been taught to have a control on. Breathe in.. breathe out.. that's what she needs to do.

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