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<Hogwarts, Sometime Before the Second Task>

Willow rushed along the corridor, pulling her jacket tighter around her frame. It was freezing in this goddamn castle during the winter. Almost there. She hopped from one foot to the other in impatience as she waited for the Fat Lady to let her into Gryffindor Tower. As soon as the gap was big enough she rushed in, the warmth of the room thawing her cold body immediately.

It was so cosy in there, she stopped, looking around the room. Where was he? Then she saw his mop of ginger hair over the top of the couch and smiled. The common room was relatively empty as most people were either in Hogsmede or in their rooms, enjoying their day off.

Willow rounded the corner of the couch and took off her jacket hanging it on the armrest. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open. She smiled, he was so cute. Willow walked up to him kissed his forehead gently.

He must've felt it because soon his eyes were open and staring at her groggily. She squealed as he recognised who it was and pulled her into his lap. "Hello, cutie," he said and nuzzled his head into the crook of her shoulder. She laughed, "good afternoon sleepy head". He groaned "it was just a short nap, you were taking too long at the library".

"I'm sorry, I got caught up talking to Irma", Fred looked at her with confusion on his face, "who?", "Oh sorry, Madam Pince" she corrected herself but his gaze didn't change. "Who?", "the librarian you idiot!" she said smacking his arm gently, "you know who the librarian is right?".

He nodded, "I've just never talked to her before", "seriously! We are in our second last year and you've never talked to the librarian?", "George and I aren't exactly in her good-" he paused and smirked at her, "book", she gave him an-are-your-serious look and he laughed.

"Get it because she a librarian!", "I get it, Fred, I'm not stupid" he grinned at her, "sometimes I wonder". Willow started to get up and he pulled her closer, "nooo, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, please I wanna cuddle!" she laughed at him.

"Okay," Willow said as she nestled back into his embrace, and he sighed in content. It was moments like these that made them realise how badly they had been pinning after each other for so long. They often just joked around and acted almost as if nothing had changed since they had gotten together but when they did act a bit more lovey-dovey it was nice.

He rested his forehead against hers and looked at her with something she couldn't quite decipher. Willow let her eyes flicker down to his lips and then back up to his eyes. She cocked an eyebrow at him and started to pull away, a smirk on her lips. "Tease" he groaned before leaning in further and capturing her lips in a kiss.

It lingered for a while before he pulled away, there were still people in the common room and they didn't want to scar them, especially the young ones. Willow smiled at him before snuggling into his chest as his arms wrapped around her frame and his head rested on her's.


[✎]Willow Black - Accomplice (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now