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<Kings Cross Station, First Day of School>

The twins and Willow were walking ahead of the group as they made their way to Platform 9 ¾. George was excited to see Angelina and was jokingly complaining about how sick Willow and Fred made him with their icky cute relationship. "Get over it George" Willow playfully hit his shoulder, although she understood that he missed her more than he was letting on.

The trio stopped once they had passed through the wall and were waiting for Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione to follow behind them. They started to continue walking as Ginny and Ron came through, Hermione hot on their heels. However soon the group stopped once again, waiting to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley, as well as Tonks who had followed through the wall. "Where's Harry?", "he probably got stuck talking to Moody?". Willow turned to Tonks and grinned, the two embracing tightly, "have a good year, stay safe yeah?", Willow beamed at her second cousin, "of course, and you! Don't get into too much trouble, and for god's sake, make a move on Remus!", Tonks slapped Willows upper arm as her face flushed, "Shut up! I'm working on it".

Willow wandered back over to the twins who were waiting for her before they got on the train. "There you are! Where did you go?' Hermione called out to Harry who had finally shown up, "Sirius wanted to say goodbye" Harry beamed back at his two friends. Willows was taken aback hearing that, a confused and hurt look on her face. Fred took ahold of her hand and tugged on it, indicating for her to follow him as they got on the train. "What the actual fuck" Willow whispered once she slumped into a seat next to Fred. The twins shared a look before Fred put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him, he wasn't really sure what to say.

Luckily he was saved as Angelia and Alicia turned up together, knocking on the frame of the door before pulling a pose that said 'we're here!', "Alicia! Ange!" Willow bolted up and ran forward to greet her friends, George groaned from behind her, so she made it quick. Angelina let out a laugh as Willow let go and George embraced her quickly. "Miss me have you?" she joked to him and he scoffed, "clearly".

Willow took her seat next to Fred and curled back into him. The five waited for Lee to turn up which didn't take too long, and then settled in and began to talk about their summer breaks, to an extent. The train took off and they were on their way towards their final year at Hogwarts.


The group sat around the Gryffindor table in the great hall, enjoying the good food that they had all missed so much. Dumbledore stood up and began to make his start-of-year speech like he always did. "- I would also like to welcome our new defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge". The lady dressed all in pink made a little noise as Dumbledore continued to speak, "and I'm sure that you will all join me in wishing the Professor good luck". Willow glanced at Fred and crinkled her nose.

Dumbledore continued on, saying something about Mr Filch before he was quite rudely interrupted. The new professor got up and began to walk towards Dumbledore, every student was now looking at her, "thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome" she looked out towards the students her hand clasped together. "I don't like her" Willow whispered, Fred nodded, "I agree for some reason".

"And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me, I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends", "that's likely" the twins muttered sarcastically and Willow grinned at them before glancing around the room, no one was smiling, everyone was just as confused as to who this lady was and what her problem was. "The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance, although each headmaster has brought something new to this historical school", she paused before nodding briefly at Dumbledore who nodded back, he seemed just as confused as everyone else.

"Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged, let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practised that ought to be, prohibited" she gave the room a little smile and did her little annoying giggle before turning and finally returning to her seat. "What a hag" George muttered and everyone around him nodded, "this year's gonna be fun".


Everyone was now in the common room, catching up with friends and letting the food sink in before going to bed. Willow and Alicia were towards the side having an exciting conversation whilst Fred and George chatted with Lee, Angelina listening in, George's arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Harry wandered into the room and suddenly the air was tense, everyone was cautious of him, unsure of whether to believe his claims after last year's events. Willow noticed and stopped talking, looking to follow Harry as he walked towards his mates. "Dean, Seamus, good holiday?" Harry asked and everyone went subtly went back to whatever they were doing previously. "Alright, better than Seamus's anyway," Dean said as Seamus stood up, dropping the newspaper he had been reading on the table.

"My mam didn't want me to come back this year", "why not?" Harry asked, confused at why his friend was acting this way. "Let me see, uh, because of you. The daily prophet's been saying a lot of things about yer Harry and about Dumbledore as well". Harry started getting defensive, "what and your mum believes them?'. "Well nobody was there the night Cederic died", "I guess you should read the prophet then, like your stupid mother, it'll tell you everything you need to know", Willow winced, too far Harry. "Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!", by now everyone was listening in on the heated conversation. "I'll have a go at anyone that calls me a liar!".

"What's going on?" Ron said as he came through the portrait hole and went to stand behind Harry, "he's mad is what's going on! Do you believe the rubbish that been coming out about you know who?" Seamus said pointedly. "Yeah I do", Willow grinned, good on you Ron, stand up for your friend. "Anyone else got a problem with Harry?", the room stayed silent and the two boys went up to their dorm.

"I understand that not everyone is going to believe Harry but I didn't expect any conflict like that" Willow muttered, Fred turning to her and shrugging, "the daily prophet does have a lot of influence on the way people think", "if mum didn't know what was actually going on, she'd probably not think he's back either" George chimed in. It wasn't nice to think about but they were probably right.


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