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<Room of Requirement, Hogwarts>

"Ok, to begin with, we're going to start with a personal favourite" Harry glanced around at the large group of students all watching him curiously, "expelliarmus". "Expelliarmus, the disarming spell, used to make the opponent drop whatever their holding", Harry smiled, "thank you Hermione", some students snickered at how she couldn't help but input information about the spell. "Most of you should know the basics of how this spell works so I'm not going to explain it. Instead you're just going to try it and I'll let you know how to improve", everyone in the group nodded in understanding. "Ok, line up here and try to disarm this figure of his wand".

Willow stood with her arms crossed, waiting for her turn to disarm the dummy, Fred and George stood behind her chatting and mucking about. "Expelliarmus!" it was Neville's turn, his wand flung from his hand and flew backwards through the air, luckily everyone was paying enough attention to duck and no one was impaled that day. "I'm hopeless..." Harry shook his head "You're just flourishing your wand too much, try it like this, Exelliarmus!", Harry demonstrated his feedback and everyone watched as the dummy's wand flew to the side.

The students cycled through, each having a go, and soon enough it was Willow's turn. Harry put the wand back in the dummy's hand and stepped back, "go for it", Willow smiled softly and raised her wand, it wasn't her first time using this spell, far from it. She often had to use it to disarm Fred and George of things that they weren't supposed to be touching yet. "Expelliarmus" the wand flipped out its hand and looked as though it was going to fly straight into her hand, she took a couple of rushed steps and reached out, only to just catch it before it hit the ground. "Very good Willow!" Harry seemed impressed, "why thank you" she turned and high-fived the twins on her way to the back of the line.


"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really." Harry glanced around the group, "so, um come on, then, Nigel. Give me your best shot", Nigel stepped out of the circle and faced Harry clutching his wand nervously. Harry gestured for him to go and Nigel nodded before taking a breath and raising his wand "Stupefy!". They both flew backwards, landing on their backs, "good, not bad at all, Nigel!".

The next pair was Hermione and Ron. "Come on Ron!" Fred called from around the circle, George following suit, "yeah! Come on Ron", Willow laughed, "he hasn't got a chance". "One sickle", Fred grinned and nodded at his twin, "you're on", Willow elbowed them both, "don't bet on your brother's downfall!". The group waited in anticipation to see who would win, they both raised their wands. "Stupefy!", Ron, of course, was flung backwards, Hermione standing defiantly at the other end of the room, a small smile making its way onto her face. Fred grinned as George pressed a sickle into his hand, "thank you", "shut up".

Willow wandered over to where Ron lay on the ground and offered him a hand up, he took it and she pulled him to his feet. "You suck Ron", a grin was on her face and he scoffed at her as they made their way over to a group of guys, "I let her do that. It's good manners isn't it?". Fred nodded, happy that he'd won the bet and George shook his head in disappointment.

After that session, the trio made their way over to Harry, getting his attention. "It's come to our attention that Filch is trying to catch us in the act" Willow began before being cut off by George, "we could help with that-", Fred finished off, "leave him some sweets maybe". Harry nodded, "sure, you don't need my permission for that!". The trio grinned at each other, a plan already forming in their minds.


Several sessions had gone by and they had touched on many different spells, Experlliarmus, Stupify, and Levicorpus to mention a few. Filch had been consistently trying to catch the group of students and the mischievous trio had set a plan in action to prank him a little bit and cause him some trouble. Willow had spent the past couple of weeks creating a heart-shaped box of sweets. Designed to look like Filch had a secret admirer perhaps. The trio had created a variety of troublesome sweets which would cause a variety of nasty effects on the caretaker, none of which would hurt him, just inconvenience him a little bit.

Fred and George had placed the box on Filch's lookout table and were currently waiting for him to show up from behind a pillar with Willow. "I can't wait to see the look on his face" George whispered, rubbing his hand together and grinning, "he deserves it honestly, he doesn't have to be such a fun-sucking prick", Willow added, sighing and leaning against the wall, "Shhh, he's coming!". The trio watched in satisfaction as Filch sat down in his chair and helped himself to the treats. After a few moments, a look of discomfort entered his face and he reached up to feel the giant pus filled pimples that had started to grow on his face. Filch was quick to get up and scuttle away, off to snitch to Umbridge no doubt.

Willow had her hand over her mouth in an attempt to muffle her laugh, "that worked so well!", Fred and George high-fived "we are so smart!". "Come on, let's catch the end of today's session!", Willow grabbed Fred's hand and proceeded to drag him towards the room of requirement, with George not that far behind.


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Hope you have a wonderful day my lovelies

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