[7] The Chamber of Secrets

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<Willow's Home, Summer Holidays>

"Ready to leave Willow?" Remus called up the stairs, "almost" she yelled back adding a hair tie to the end of her braid, quickly grabbing pearl and lowered the cat into her pocket. She was spending the last week of the holidays at the Burrow with the Weasley's, and he was very excited to see the twins again, she had come up with a pretty spectacular prank which she thought Percy would be the perfect victim for.

"Brown hair today?" Remus asked as Willow skipped the last step with a thud and entered the living room "yeah, I needed a break from the blue for a while" she said smiling and setting down her trunk in front of the fireplace. "Have a good time, and don't get into too much trouble?" he said embracing her in a tight hug, "I'll miss you," Willow said and blew him a kiss as she stepped into the fireplace with her trunk, she took a hand full of the green powder and with one last look at her 'uncle', threw it down crying out "The Burrow", "love you" she heard Remus yell as she felt her stomach get pulled forwards, she quickly tucked her elbows in remembering the first she had travelled by Floo powder, which had ended not so fantastically.

She stumbled out of the fireplace coughing and spluttering, soot going everywhere. Willow also may, or may not have forgotten about her trunk and stumbled over it tripping, luckily someone caught her before she fell face-first into the coffee table, "thanks" she said dusting herself off before looking at her rescuer. It was Fred, she felt her cheeks heat up a little bit but ignored it, "hey Freddie" she said smiling and ruffling his hair, he smiled back but hastily started to flatten his hair, "hey-" he replied being cut off by George who came down the stairs "WILLOW" he cried and hugged the poor girl who was very startled. When he let go she put the back of her hand on his forehead "are you feeling alright George?" she asked, "yes why," he replied, confused, "you've never greeted me like that before, " she said giggling, "didn't Fred?" George asked "no-" Willow was cut off this time, "WILLOW" Fred cried and this time it was his turn to hug her, "I am so confused right now," she said, laughter mingled with her voice.

"Is Willow here?" Ginny said running down the stairs and hugging the brunette girl as well, "hey Gin" she said and hugged her back, "why does she get a hug back?" the twins asked in unison, fake offence clear in their voices. "Because you pinned my arms down and I was taken by surprise" Willow explained in a 'duh' kind of tone. "Oh! Willow dear, so glad you could come, Harry's here as well" Mrs Weasley said poking her head out from the kitchen and then going back to whatever she was doing, the four of them started to walk towards the stairs. Willow stopped at the base of the stairs and looked up, seeing the many floors above, suddenly Ron's rosy face peered off the edge of one of the balconies, "oh, hiya Willow" he called and soon Harry was peering over too "Hi Willow" he said enthusiastically and waved down at them, Willow waving back.

"Mum says you're not allowed to sleep in our room, so as per usual you'll be sharing a room Ginny" Fred explained, "fair enough," Willow said and smiled at Ginny who was beaming up at her. Willow was quite a bit taller than her, considering that she was four years older but Ginny was still growing. In comparison to the twins, however, Willow was short, well not overly but they were like half a head taller than her.


"Quidditch?" George asked as the twins poked their heads around the doorframe into Ginny's room "alright, go get Harry and Ron" Willow instructed and grabbed her broom from her trunk. "I dibs Gin and Harry," she said quickly as they reached the orchard which had a small pitch set up inside it, "aww that leaves us with Ron," George said sourly "hey," Ron said, insulted. Willow held back her laughter, "team huddle," she called out and Ginny, Harry and herself flew into a circle by their hoops. Harry decided to stay back and guard the goals. "What are you guys doing," Percy said coming over and puffing out his chest so they could all see his 'Prefect' badge "perfect timing Perce you can umpire" Fred called throwing him a whistle, "fine," Percy said grumpily," 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 GO!" Percy yelled throwing the quaffle up, Ginny was quick to snatch it from the air, Fred streamed towards her so she threw it quickly and smoothly to Willow where she was waiting, dodging George she threw it back to Ginny who had shaken off Fred, she threw it and it whistled passed Ron's ear into the centre goal ring. Harry and Willow cheered loudly and Ginny did a lap of honour.

An hour and a half later they all decided that it was enough quidditch for the day and landed, "scores are 50 to 500" Percy said smiling, he was enjoying himself. Harry, Gin and Willow cheered and high fived each other, they shook hands with the other team and headed back to The Burrow for lunch. "And then Ginny did this amazing flip thing and avoided both Fred and George and scored another ten points for us!" Harry finished as he recited his favourite part of the match, Ginny was a full-on tomato, she had also gone quiet and unresponsive, oh young love. Willow giggled, "what's so funny?" Fred asked, she nodded her head towards Ginny and he nudged George, they laughed and said "forgot to wear sunscreen, huh", Willow glared at them and kicked them both under the table, "no I think it's just the heat" she said fanning herself with my hand, Ginny smiled at Willow who only winked at her. The twins glared at their counterpart but she just smiled sweetly in their response.


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