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<The Burrow, Summer Holidays>

It was the middle of the night, Willow didn't know why she woke up but she did, what she did know was that she needs a glass of water, badly. She got up and slowly made her way out onto the landing, yawning and fighting to keep her eyes open. She found the railing and descended the stairs. Ground level, she walked toward the kitchen not really keeping her eyes open but just navigating from memory. Oof. Running into something, Willow forced her eyes to open and was shocked to see a bare chest. She looked up and saw Fred's face grinning at her, the moonlight shining through the window was enough to let her see his grin. "Sorry" she whispered not wanting to wake anyone up. He chuckled "your face was priceless when you saw what you hit", "I didn't think it would human," she admitted and continued to the kitchen, her throat hurting every time she talked. "Why are you up," he asked, "parched" Willow croaked casually as she turned on the tap and let the water flow into her cup.

Fred could see her better now that she was standing at the sink, there was a window right in front of it and the moon was bright tonight. "Why are you up," she asked after taking a few gulps of her water, "an odd dream, not a bad one just odd," Fred said remembering the dream. "Want to talk about it?" she asked, "sure" he replied and sat down on one of the couches in the lounge room where she flopped down onto one of the couches next to him, "begin" she announced quietly.

"Well I was walking down a corridor, It was bare, there was nothing in it, and as I started to walk forward a girl materialised out of thin air, her back was to me and I could only see her hair, it was weird, I felt this kind of attraction to her, but I didn't even know what she looked like or who she was" Fred paused and looked at Willow uncertainly, she was smiling at him, "that's cute," she said softly, urging him to continue "anyway the floor began to crumble beneath her feet and she began to fall" Fred shuddered as he remembered the dream. It had felt so real, "I reached for her but missed by like an inch, then I woke" he finished looking up at Willow. She looked into the distance thoughtfully, she shrugged and stood up walking over to the bottom of the staircase," sounds like an interesting dream for sure, but I have no idea what it means" her back was turned to Fred, and that's when it struck him.

Willow, Willow Alexia Black, one of his best friends and pranking partners, was the girl in his dreams and suddenly he felt an attraction towards her, which had been there for a while but he had just been pushing it to the side, now he didn't push it too the side, he let it spread through his body. "Coming?" she asked, turning to face Fred as she spoke, he jumped up and walked over to her "yes" he replied. The two climbed the stairs in silence, "goodnight" she said as they reached her level, Fred opened his arms, indicated that he wanted a hug. She looked at him confused, "please?" he asked, she stood there a slight smirk pulling at her lips "fine then" Fred said and pulled her into a hug anyway, she was taken aback at first but soon she wrapped her arms around his neck. Willow had to stand on her tiptoes to do so though. "Good night Freddie," she said again as he let go, "good night Willow" he replied and walked into his room half dazed.

"I heard that" George whispered through the darkness as Fred crawled back into bed, "what?" he asked innocently. "Don't what me, I know you like her," George said teasingly, "so what if I do" Fred replied his ears going red for sure, "awww Freddie finally admits that he's got a crush" George cooed "yeah but it's no big deal because you've like Angelina for ages now" his twin retorted trying to get even "how did you" he stuttered "twin superpower," he said and laughed, "what would I do without you?" George said and Fred smiled to himself "what would I do without you" he repeated back to his twin. What would they do without each other?


[✎]Willow Black - Accomplice (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now