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<12 Grimmauld Place, Summer Holidays>

A couple of weeks had passed since Willow and the Weasleys had moved into Grimmauld Place. In between the endless meetings Willow had been catching up with her father, Sirius. They had a lot to catch up on and had been talking for hours on end, late into the night, developing their relationship as father and daughter.

And during the meetings, Willow, Fred and George were up in the twins (and Willow's) room, tinkering away at their list of prank products and mischievous items. If they were going to start a prank shop they needed to accumulate a variety of goods. And of course, when they weren't busy with that the trio were sitting around chatting, George completely decensored to Fred and Willow's cuddling. Although he couldn't help himself to make a few cheeky comments. "Ew, get a room, guys".

On this particular day, the trio were hanging about in the twin's rooms which Willow snuck into most nights so it was basically hers as well. George was laying on his bed, arms behind his head, staring up at the ceiling whilst Fred and Willow were cuddled up on a couch that was along the wall. Willows's head in Fred's lap, her feet up on the arm of the couch, his fingers were running through her hair, she was so close to falling asleep.

News had spread through the order that Harry was arriving today after some trouble with Dementors, so everyone was waiting around patiently for his appearance. "How about we test out one of our new products!" George said suddenly. Willow perked up, "ooh which one do you have in mind?" Fred inquired, "you know what, I'm sick of being banished from those stupid meetings, lets's test our ear-thing," Willow said getting up from the couch and going over to a chest of draws. "Yes!, I like your thinking Squeak" George sat up, supporting himself with his arms.

"Hang on! I think I hear Harry", the trio stopped everything they were doing and listened for a new voice. "You're right! He doesn't sound too happy though..." Willow said and frowned, Fred wandered over to her, "let's go and ask them if they want to test out our extendable ear!". George and Fred nodded at each other and with a snap, Fred had lifted Willow into his arms and the two of them had apparated a few rooms down the hallway.

"Harry!" George said, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder as the three apparated beside him. "We thought we heard your dulcet tones" Fred grinned, putting a slightly shocked Willow down, she shook her head "don't bottle it up though" Willow added, "let it out". "Anyway, if you're all done shouting, do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" George cocked an eyebrow and grinned, leading the way out onto the landing.

Willow flung an arm around Harry's shoulder, squeezing him, "welcome, we've all missed your delightful presence", she gave him a big smile which he returned before she let go and left to stand next to Fred, snaking an arm around his middle and kissing him on the cheek.

The group were huddled around the staircase, George lowering the ear down to ground level, trying to get it close enough to the door so that it would pick up on something. Soon Ginny joined the group, curious as to what was going on. They listened for a moment, picking up on Molly and Sirius arguing before Snape interjected "git".

Fred looked up at George in alarm and nudged him violently, "pull it up, that bloody cat is gonna attack it". Crookshanks, Hermione's cat had begun to approach the dangling ear, clearly in a playful mood. "Crookshanks no!" Hermione called softly, but to no avail. "No! we spent so long on that!" Willow cried out as Crookshank lept for the kill, tearing the ear from its cord and beginning to feast on it. "At least we know it works" Fred cringed.


Soon enough the meeting was over and everyone was called downstairs for dinner. The twins abused their newfound power and apparated downstairs, scaring the living daylights out of their mother who yelled at them, tired of their shenanigans. Everyone else shimmied past Molly, scared of her wrath but hungry for dinner. Willow snuck by, squeezing Molly on her shoulder and smiling at her father. However, she didn't receive one in return as he was staring at Harry, a broad grin on his face. Remus instead caught her eye and gave her a wink, she stuck her tongue out at him and grinned before heading into the kitchen.

She turned around briefly to see her father envelop Harry in a big hug and she smiled, she understood that Sirius was the closest thing Harry had to a family, other than his horrid Muggle relatives. -Everyone was now sitting around the dining table, Ginny and Willow were being entertained by Tonks who was a much stronger metamorphmagus than Willow. Harry and Sirius had been talking all evening and just now Willow noticed that Sirius was starting to let Harry in on order business, both Molly and Mad-Eye urging him to stop.

Fred glanced to the side, and frowned as he noticed Willow fiddling with her fingers and bouncing her leg, she was intensely staring at Harry and Sirius's conversation and a slight frown on her face. He slipped his hand onto her thigh under the table and squeezed it. Willow released a breath and leant to the side, resting her head briefly on Fred's shoulder.

She was ... jealous. Harry had been here less than 12hrs and her father was already starting to tell him things that were classified. He hadn't even attempted to sneak information to her and here he was completely engaged in Harry, he hadn't even glanced at his daughter all evening. Willow knew that it was just because Harry had recently arrived but she couldn't help feeling like she was being pushed aside.


Hope you're all well!

We're just gonna ignore that I haven't updated this book in literal ages... lol

If you have suggestions for this book, PLEASE let me know :)


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