[36] The Order of the Phoenix

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<The Burrow, Summer Holidays>

Willow stuck her head over the banister of the staircase and looked down as she heard a familiar voice, "Remus?", she called out and smiled as she heard a familiar chuckle. She raced down the stairs, the twins following slowly behind her. She got to the bottom floor and ran to her legal guardian, nearly knocking him over as she buried herself in his arms. "Sick of this lot already?", Willow pulled away and shook her head, "of course not, but that doesn't mean that I didn't miss you, I haven't seen you in ages".

The two caught up, Arthur, Molly and the twins joining in on the conversation as well. "I should go and pack," Willow said suddenly as she realised that she would probably be going to her own home today. That was, until Remus shook his head, "about that, I still have some things to sort out, speaking of, I have something quite serious to discuss with you two" he said and turned to look at Molly and Arthur who frowned in confusion.


It was nearly two hours later before the three adults emerged from the kitchen and called for all of the children to come downstairs. Everyone gathered in the living room, congregating on the sofas, a few sitting on the floor. Remus stood in the corner and watched as Molly addressed the large group, giving her a nod of encouragement.

"You all remember the ordeal with Sirius last year..." she began and immediately Willow sat up, suddenly a lot more alert, Fred put his hand on her thigh, stopping her bouncing leg. "And we have had many discussions about how he is not guilty and that it was all a horrible, horrible mix up". Molly paused again and glanced at Willow who was curious as to where this conversation was going. "Well, he and Dumbledore have been planning something".

"Of course, all of you know about what happened to Cedric and how Harry claims that he who shall not be named is back, well, Dumbledore believes him and wants to do something about it," Molly glanced at her husband extremely unsure of the ordeal. Remus sighed and stepped forwards, "Dumbledore wants to resurrect the Order of the Phoenix, I don't expect that any of you know what that is and you don't have to worry about it since you are all too young anyway but Sirius and Dumbledore want everyone who is involved to move to Sirius's hideout".

Everyone looked at Remus, Molly huffed, annoyed that he had put it so bluntly. "We're going to go and live with Sirius" Willow whispered shakily, Fred noticed that her hands were shaking and gave her his hand so that she could busy her hands by fiddling with his fingers, he had noticed that she liked to do that when she was feeling on edge. Remus nodded slowly, unsure of how to gauge her reaction.

"Wait, so all of us are going to live there?" Ron pipped up from beside Ginny on the floor, Arthur nodded, "until decided otherwise, Dumbledore has suggested that it is the safest and easiest option for everyone". Willow sunk into Fred as he put an arm around her shoulder, her mind was reeling. She hadn't spoken to her father (whilst she was aware that it was him) in nearly thirteen years.

The group spent the next hour talking about details and what would happen once they got there. The entire time Willow didn't contribute much, she was listening but her mind was elsewhere. Remus kept a close eye on her as well but he saw that Fred was doing a good job at keeping her grounded. Molly had told him about their relationship and honestly, he was surprised. He thought that they had gotten together long ago.


Willow stood in front of 12 Grimmauld Place, Remus standing next to her with a hand on her shoulder. The Weasley's had already moved in and had been living at their new headquarters for about two days. Willow and Remus had gone back to their place to pack and have a little bit of time to themselves before the big move. "You ready?", Remus was cautious, he didn't know what Willow was thinking. Willow nodded, she was nervous, very nervous, but there was a small part of her that couldn't wait to go in there and meet her father again. Fill him in on all the parts of her life that he had missed, exchange stories about her mother and be a proper family. Of course, she would never forget Remus, he was just as much her father as the man inside that building, more so even. Nothing could break the bond that they had grown over the past years.

Remus led the way into the building, opening the door and letting Willow enter before himself. Cautiously, she stepped over the threshold, walking into the dark and long hallway. She walked towards the light at the end of the hallway and paused as she heard voices, a few familiar, a few unfamiliar. Remus gave her a nudge as he came up behind her and she continued forwards, stepping into the room.

Willow went to look around but her vision was quickly obscured as someone tackled her into a hug, "Willow! Long time no see" the voice called out and Willow instantly eased, "hello Tonks" she whispered affectionately and wrapped her arms around the female she was so fond of. The two hadn't seen each other in a while but they were still as close as ever. Tonks always used to be around Remus and Willow's home, with them being relatives and the fact that Tonks was pinning over Remus.

"I've missed you," Tonks said as they pulled away from each other, Willow nodded, "me too, it's good to see that you're well" Willow replied and smiled at her cousin. Someone cleared their throat and Willow looked up as Tonks stepped out of the way to greet Remus. There were a few people in the room but her gaze was caught by one person.

He stood to the side of the room, his black hair falling in messy waves down to his shoulder, a well-trimmed beard on his face, well, in comparison to what she had seen on his wanted posters. He wandered forwards slowly, wary as to what her reaction would be. Willow didn't move, she just stared at him, a million thoughts running through her mind. Sirius stretched his arms out slightly, inviting her to hug him. She took it. Willow ran towards her father, nearly knocking the both of them over as she embraced him.

"Hello Willow" Sirius whispered as he stroked his daughter's hair for the first time in 13 years. "Hello dad" she whispered back, choking on her words as tears welled up in her eyes. Happy tears. "You've grown up into such a beautiful young lady-" he started as he held her at arm's length but Willow just laughed, cutting him off, "don't give me that sappy shit you bastard". Everyone in the room laughed at that, glad that Willow had reacted so positively to seeing her father after so many years.


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