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<Quidditch Pitch, First Quidditch Game of the Year>

Before long the first Quidditch match of the year was about to begin, "you nervous Willow?" Fred asked nudging her as she looked out the tent flap into the pouring rain, "a bit worried about this rain" Willow replied but shrugged "nothing we can do about it though". "Harry, find the snitch fast, we don't wanna be out there any more than we have to" Oliver was saying to Harry, "leave the poor kid alone Wood," George said, "you girls ready to kick some Hufflepuff ass?" Fred overheard Willow say to Alicia and Angelina, "hell yeah" they replied determination oozing out of their voices.

"I want a fair game," Madame Hooch said as she always did, Wood and Diggory shook hands before mounting their brooms and kicking off to their respective positions. Wood, keeper and Diggory, seeker. The whistle sounded and the game was off "the stunning Spinnet has got the ball passing swiftly to Johnson, her path seems blocked, she dropped it! oh no, but wait! It's all a part of the plan! Here comes Black, WHAT A DODGE" -ding- "Black has scored the first goal for Gryffindor 10 - 0" Lee's commentating was booming across the stadium, but the further away the players flew the less they could hear it.

Madame Hooch blew her whistle, "why'd you call a time out!" George said as they landed and slugged through the mud towards Oliver, "the rain is getting too heavy, we have to find the snitch" Wood urged mainly to Harry. "Nice goal by the way Willow" he added, she nodded her head in thanks unable to speak, Fred grinned as he saw George wrap his arms around Angelina in an attempt to keep her warm. "Harry come here", it was Hermione, "there," she said, after uttering a spell on Harry's glasses, "thanks Hermione now I might be able to see a bit better" he confessed, "no problem, Go Gryffindor," she said and disappeared back to the stands.

We were off again, "and Angelina scores another goal for Gryffindor, 60 - 20 " Fred heard Lee's voice for a split second over the howling wind and slapping rain. He looked up, trying to spot Harry, he was speeding upwards, obviously, after the snitch, Cederic was right on his tail though, -Thwack- he hit a bludger back at the Hufflepuff beater who had aimed for him.

"Fred!" he barely heard it over the wind but looked to see his brother pointing upwards, Fred glanced upwards and saw something falling. He gasped but quickly closed his mouth, as the rainwater filled it. Was that Harry?


"Harry!", practically everyone cramped around the bed yelled as Harry's eyes flickered open and he sat up reaching for his glasses, "what happened?" he asked groggily, "dementors," George said, "Dumbledores furious with them," Fred continued, "Oh, did we win?" Harry asked. "Diggory caught the snitch just after you fell, he didn't realise, tried to call a rematch but Wood wouldn't have it, " Willow said, "it's not your fault Harry," Alicia said patting his leg which was under the blanket. "Where is Oliver?" Harry asked, looking around, "still in the showers," George said, "We think he's trying to drown himself, " Fred finished. "Out! Too many people", Madame Pomfrey came along sweeping them all aside, "see ya Harry" Willow said and off the Quidditch team went, leaving Harry with Ron and Hermione who were showing him his Broom...


"Hope Harry's okay," Angelina said once they were back in their cosy and warm common room, "yeah," Alicia said snuggling into Lee by the fire, "shame about the broom though," Fred said and Willow grinned at him, "what?", "I just find it funny that you care more about the broom than Harry," she said beginning to laugh. "I do not!" he retorted, "sure," she said and continued to giggle for a bit before it died down. "Hey Willow, um, we just wanted to apologise, for avoiding you at the start of the year," Angelina said, "yeah, we were silly to believe the rumours for even a second," Alicia said. "It's okay, it's good to have my friends back though" Willow admitted smiling at them all, "awwww," Fred and George said in unison and as twins, they squished her in between them in a hug, "group hug" Angelina shouted and joined in, even Lee and Alicia got up off the couch and joined in, "best friends ever," Willow said laughing. "You're welcome," Fred said bowing, which just cracked her up even more.

"Oh! I have a joke, okay, knock-knock" Willow said lighting up suddenly, "who's there?" they all asked, "boo" she said grinning from ear to ear, "boo who?" they all said not quite getting it. "Aww don't cry it's just a joke," she said still grinned. "That was clever," George said, smiling and tapping his head with a finger. "I don't- ohhhhh" Alicia said and smiled broadly. "That's a good one," Angelina said stabilising herself from the laughing fit she had had several moments before. "Jokes all-round" Willow said and held up a pretend glass, they all held up their own pretend glasses and pretended to clink them in the middle of their huddle.


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