[19] The Goblet of Fire

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<The Burrow, Night Before the Quidditch World Cup>

The entire house went to bed buzzing with excitement for the World Cup the next day, the entire day had been spent packing and playing homemade Quidditch, inspired by the event to come. "Willow can you sleep?", Ginny asked staring at the ceiling, "no I'm too excited," Willow replied, pulling her blanket up to her chin. "Well try," Hermione said with a certain finality, being the only one who could sleep. "But-" Willow began but was quickly cut off, "shhhhh" Hermione hissed, "goodnight then..." Willow said instead, deciding to not get on Hermione's bad side, "goodnight" both the girls echoed the eldest.


"What was that for" Willow cried bolt upright into a sitting position, and rubbing her head, "it was a pillow, calm down," Hermione said grinning, "a hard pillow" Willow groaned but got up nonetheless. "Help me with Ginny," Hermione said approaching Ginny's bed, Willow reached under Ginny's covers and lifted her, Hermione pulling her covers off, the sudden cold must've woken her because soon she gasped and opened her eyes very widely. "Put me down" she cried, "sorry Gin," Willow said laughing and put her down. "I'm going to go wake up Harry and Ron," Hermione said leaving the room, "let's go wake up the twins," Willow said to Ginny who nodded vigorously.

"WILLOW" Fred and George yelled as the two entered the room, "dammit they're already awake" Willow whispered to Ginny who giggled, then she noticed why they had yelled at her, they were both halfway through getting dressed and had their tops off. "Let's go have breakfast Gin," Willow said quickly and wheeled around pushing Ginny out the door and downstairs.

"What's the rush?" Ginny asked once she had finally caught her breath, "um no reason" Willow quickly said, Ginny, didn't know that she had a crush on Fred. Little did she know that Ginny already assumed that it was common knowledge that Fred and Willow were pinning for each other without the other knowing. "Did it have anything to do with Fred being shirtless?" she asked slyly, "yes, now let's have breakfast please," Willow said and walked into the kitchen, "not George?" Ginny smirked, "huh? Of course, the both of them" Willow quickly covered and sat down, a slight pink tinge on her face.


"Off we pop" Mr Weasley announced when everyone was ready, everyone but Mr Weasley and Willow, groggily left the house, the two of them were super energetic and bounced along in front of the other, discussing how it was all set up and what would happen once they got there.

"Dad! Stop stealing Willow from us," Fred groaned and took her hand pulling her back, to where he and George were walking, she felt her face heat up as a blush crept across her face. "Jeez willow it's not that hot" George joked quietly to her, "what do you want" she snapped at him in a joking manner, although it came off quite harshly, "oops sorry, didn't mean to be so harsh" she quickly said. "We just wanted to talk to our favourite person," Fred said, "Awww thanks Freddie," she said and patted his head, with difficulty, because of his height.

"Amos!" Arthur cried when a man appeared holding a horrible old boot. "Hello, Arthur!" the man said and greeted his friend, the children watching on until Cedric appeared out of nowhere. Willow jumped "where did he come from?", "he was in the tree, " George said sourly, they still hadn't gotten over the fact that they got beat by him in the Quidditch last year. "Hello Cedric," Willow said stepping forward to greet him, "oh hello Willow," he said cheerfully. The twins nodded their greeting hesitantly. "All these yours?" Amos asked Arthur, "no, only the redheads" he stated, Willow grinned at the twins and quickly changed her hair colour to match theirs, Mr Weaslry turned to introduce us and sighed as he spotted her. "Not this one, this is Willow, George and Fred's friend, she's a Metamorphmagus," Arthur said pointing to the girl who smiled and changed her hair back to its blue colour. "And these two are Hermione and Harry, Ron's friend" Arthur finished, indicating to Harry and Hermione who were talking to Ron, "is it really, Harry Potter, my word," Amos began but soon started to talk about Cedric being the best. "Prick," George said harshly turning to face Fred and Willow who were also glaring at Cedric's dad.

"Seven past five from Stoatshead Hill", Willow went to get up from the ground but found that she was pinned down by both of the twins, who hurriedly got off, "Sorry Squeak," they said in unison, "I thought you'd have forgotten that by now," she said as they started walking into the fog. "No way, it's brilliant," George said smiling broadly, "it truly is," Fred said, "you guys are mad," Willow recited, "but you love us!" they replied perfectly in sync, "now that was amazing," Cedric said joining in on their conversation, the twins stiffened but Willow replied "thank you we say that a lot", Cedric chuckled, "I can tell,".

"This is us, see you around," Cedric said walking off with his father who was boasting about something else now. The Weasley and co. group approached a hut and Willow smiled as she noticed a muggle looking out over all the tents, "look a muggle" George said pointing at him, "have you never seen a muggle before?" Fred asked laughing, "yes of course, but still, I didn't think that they'd have one at the World Cup," his twin clarified, "I suppose, you've got a point," Willow said laughing.


"No magic allowed, strictly speaking, not when we are out in these numbers on muggle land, we'll be putting these tents up by hand . . . shouldn't be too difficult . . . muggles do it all the time . . . here Harry, where do you reckon we should start?", with the help of Harry and Hermione they finally got the tent up. Willow took a look inside and her jaw dropped, she was a witch but she had never seen anything like it. "Wow" she breathed, "pretty cool huh," Fred said from behind her making her jump, "Woah calm down Squeak," he said, she turned around to see him grinning down at her. "Shut up," she said sourly, "nope" he replied as Willow turned back around, he put his chin on the top of her head and resting his elbows on her shoulders, "I'm not your PLP Fred," she said, "my what?" he asked, "PLP, Personal leaning post" Willow explained. "That is so weird," he said and Willow laughed at the odd feeling of the vibrations from when he spoke since he was still leaning on her, "nope," she responded, mocking him from earlier before she stepped forward, the unsuspecting Fred fell forward and Willow moved swiftly to the side so he face-planted into the ground, not able to catch himself in time. Willow muffled her laughs with her hands before she ran out of the tent, knowing that he would chase her as soon as he recovered.


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