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<Hogwarts Express, Home Time>

"All aboard", the call was loud and clear, sprinting Willow dragged Fred to the train, George just in front of the pair, "that was close," George said as they started to find a compartment. "To close for my liking," Willow said shaking her head at the thought of missing the Hogwarts express home.

She pulled out the current book she was reading 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard', from her bag and made herself comfortable by the window, Pearl climbed out of her pocket and snuggled in a ball on her lap. The twins were playing 'Exploding Snap', their yells and the loud snaps, being zoned out by Willow.

Later on, the trolley lady came by, "anything from the trolley dears?" she asked smiling brightly at the trio, showing her dentures. "No thanks," Willow responded and returned to read the last three pages of the last story in the book. "We're also right thanks," Fred said on behalf of both himself and George, Willow smiled to herself, their twin telepathy was one of her favourite things to witness.

"Funny story?" George asked, "no" she replied, "why are smiling then," Fred asked a laugh mixed with his words, "I'm allowed to smile aren't I," Willow replied putting a hand on her chest and pretending to be offended. They laughed at her and she joined in, "you're not seriously going to start reading again" Fred said disappointed, "I've only got three more pages", "read faster" George whined, "I can't if you keep talking to me" Willow laughed, "Fred be shhhh" George said goofily, she quickly finished the book and closed it, signalling to the boys that she was done now.

"Yay, our shhhhness worked," Fred said throwing his arms in the air, a goofy smile on his face, Willow laughed at him "you're crazy," she said, "but you love us," they replied in unison, "this is going to become routine," Willow said matter of factly. "Yes, miss blue hair it is," George said poshly, "1) What's with the poshness and 2) Miss blue hair?" Willow raised an eyebrow and smiled, "poshness because why the Merlin not and Miss blue hair because you have blue hair" he explained, "oh really" she replied, the twins gasped "Willow, your hair... it's blonde" Fred said pausing in astonishment, she laughed at his expression "I hadn't noticed" Willow replied, "but how," George asked simply.

"I happen to be a Metamorphmagus, my... second cousin? I'm not sure what to call her but our parents are first cousins, anyway, she's also a metamorphmagus, it's kind of runs in the family" Willow explained, the twins full-on gawped at her "holy cow," Fred said, "that is so cool, why didn't you tell us earlier". She shrugged, "I don't know, didn't really need to".


"Willow over here" Willow turned and saw her 'uncle' Remus waving at her, "Remus" she cried and ran to him nearly knocking him over as she hugged him. "I missed you, Miss Black," he said as they pulled away from the hug "and I missed you Mr Lupin" she replied smiling at their ongoing joke. "Ready to go?" he asked, "hang on let me say goodbye to the twins," she said and ran to where the family of redheads were conversing and hugging, "Willow dear, how lovely to see you" Mrs Weasley exclaimed and pulled the girl into one of her bear hugs, "hello Mrs Weasley," she said as the older woman let her go, "I was just going to say goodbye to the twin before I left" Willow explained "okay dearie, oh and feel free to come over at any time during the summer,", "thank you".

She proceeded to wander over to where the twins were talking to Lee Jordan, "Seeya," she said quickly and started to slowly turn around 3 . . . 2 . . . 1. "Thought you were getting away that easily did ya," Fred said as they both pulled her into a departing hug, Lee joined in as well saying "gosh I love hugs!". Willow laughed in response "write to me," she said and looked all three of them in the eyes "Ummm sure," the twins said in unison and glanced at each other in a we-won't-will-we kind of way, Willow just chuckled "see ya sometime in the future" she said before turning and returning to Remus.

He held out his arm and took Willow's trunk in his other hand, "off we pop" she said and link arms with him. Within seconds the pair was home, Willow immediately ran upstairs and dumped her bag on her bed, also carefully taking a sleeping pearl out of her pocket and laying her on the bed. The cat proceeded to stretch and opened her eyes looking at Willow lazily before going back to sleep.

"Willow, pancakes are ready" Remus called up the stairs and to which the starving girl raced to the kitchen where a plate of pancakes was waiting for her to devour them, "how did you cook them so fast?" she asked sitting down at the table and smearing cream on one of them. "Magic" he replied waving his hands in front of her face, "but you're not allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts," Willow replied jokingly and put one hand on her hip whilst the other was wagging a finger in his face. "Silly goose," he said sitting down across from her and taking a pancake to munch on.

"So how was school," he asked, "great" Willow replied, "did anything in particular happen?" Remus proceeded to ask, "not really, I mean Harry Potter came to school and defeated Moldy Voldy who was living on the back of Professor Quirrell's head but apart from that it was an average year," Willow said in a no-big-deal kind of voice. Her caretaker looked across at her in stunned silence, "wow, that's sound exciting" he replied slowly shaking his head in disbelief, "it's true, ask Dumbledore," she said biting into another pancake and getting cream on her nose. "Merlin's beard, Willow you eat like your father" he laughed and wiped it off with his finger, Willow smiled, "did he eat like a pig too?", "not quite," Lupin said smiling solemnly, "he's innocent," Willow told Remus for the hundredths time but it still went unnoticed.


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