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New chapter !

<Hogwarts Express, Day of Departure>

The train ride home was coming to an end, the group were all in a compartment, chatting light-heartedly and sharing their plans for the holidays. Willow was curled up against Fred's side, nodding along to the conversation and adding her input every once in a while. This entire year had exhausted her and Fred had noticed that she had become more cuddly and touch dependent the more tired she was. He didn't mind.

They all looked up as they heard a knock on the door, Harry slowly slid it open and offered everyone a small smile, "What's up, Harry?" Lee asks. Harry shuffled a little bit awkwardly from one foot to the other, "can I talk to Fred and George, and Willow" he asked.

They all nod and got up, with a groan from Angelina who lost her heat source. They all stepped outside the compartment and walked down the hallway a little bit so that they would have some privacy.

"How can we help you, Harry?" Fred asked, he gave a small smile, "well after you told us about the whole leprechaun gold and Bagman ordeal I've been thinking", he paused and looked up at Willow who urged him to continue. "And, well, as you know I won the tournament, but I don't require any more money". At this point, they were all starting to catch on to what he was saying.

He took a sack out from inside his jacket and handed it to George, who cautiously took it. "Use it to get Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes up and going, and for god's sake get Ron a better pair of dress robes". Willow stifled a laugh at the last part and they all grinned. "Are you for real Harry?", he nodded, "And before you try and give it back, I don't need it, I'll just try and give it to someone else but I feel like it would be best used bringing a bit of joy into the world".

Fred looked at George and Willow, their eyes were sparkling and he was sure he had a similar expression, Willow rushed forwards and threw her arms around Harry who stumbled backwards. "Thank you, we won't disappoint". The twins joined the group hug shortly afterwards, "seriously Harry, it means the world", "the absolute world".


They made their way back to the compartment and settled in for the last ten minutes before they arrived at Kings Cross Station. Willow was talking animatedly to Angelina and Alicia about all of her ideas for the shop. She was the brains behind the little comedic trio. George and Fred watched on, butting in whenever they could, after this dire year, this good bit of news had lifted everyone's spirits.

The train pulled up at Platform 9 and ¾ and they all got up, stretching and pulling down their trunks from the racks above their heads. Fred took Willow's hand as they made their way off of the train. It wasn't hard to find their mum as she was already fussing over Ginny who just stood there enduring it. Willow let go of his hand and rushed forwards to embrace Molly as soon as they were in close range.

"Willow dear! How are you? I'm glad that my son finally plucked up the courage to ask you out, I swear he's been pinning after you for years!", Willow stifled her laughter, her cheeks going a bit pink, "I agree, he took his time". Fred looked from one girl to the other confused, "who told you?" he finally asked as his dad came up behind him and patted him harshly on the shoulder, "I think everyone but yourself did, son".

Soon enough the attention was diverted elsewhere and Fred made his way back over to Willow who was beaming, "That went well" he said as he rested his arm around her shoulders, "of course it did, your family love me more than they love you" she replied grinning at him. Fred scoffed, she was right of course.


They arrived back at the burrow, Willow accompanying the Weasley until Remus was back from some kind of business that he had to attend to.

Everyone flopped down onto some form of furniture, exhausted from the school year that had just been. Ginny and Willow had gone up to Ginny's room to put away their things, because, after a very short-lived discussion with mum, Willow was not allowed to sleep in the twin's room as Fred hoped she could have.

Soon enough the two girls came back down, Ginny sitting in one of the free armchairs and Willow laying on top of George and Fred who were next to each other on the couch. "I'm glad it's the school holidays" she muttered, closing her eyes and the twins shared a look. "Oh absolutely, but we have so much to do! So much to plan" Fred said and nodded at his twin who grinned. "Oh absolutely, better get started now, I have an idea for detachable ears for eavesdropping" George whispered to the two of them as he shifted Willow so that she was only in Fred's lap.

He scooped her up in his arms and stood up, "better get started, stay out of our room Ginny", he gave Ginny a pointed look, she shrugged in return, "whatever losers". "Fred please put me down" Willow was squirming around in his arms as they made their way towards the stairs. Fred pretended to drop her and she squeaked. "You seriously thought I'd drop you!", "you never know with you two".


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