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<Weasley and Co. Campsite, Quidditch World Cup>

"Where are we going to get firewood from?" Fred asked, "the forest, stupid," Willow said as though it was the most obvious thing in the entire world, "oh that makes sense," he said scratching his neck in embarrassment, "Gin wanna piggyback," Willow asked needing something to do, "OMG yes," Ginny said hopping onto her back, "catch ya later," Willow said and ran off towards the forest, she could hear the twins laughing loudly as she ran off with Ginny clinging on for dear life.


Everyone was sitting around the fire chatting as Ministry workers rushed past, greeting Mr Weasley as they went, Willow had zoned out and was watching a mother try to catch her three-year-old child who was running around in only his underwear, she smiled as the mother finally caught him and tackled him to the ground trying to pull a top over his head. "Mr Crouch" she heard Percy say and looked up "would you like a cup of tea?" "oh, yes, thank you, Weatherby," Mr Crouch said taking a cup from Percy, Fred and George snorted into their cups and Willow buried her face into Fred's shoulder to stop herself from bursting out into laughter.


"It's time" Mr Weasley announced as a booming gong sounded and green and red lanterns blazed into life among the trees along the path that lead to the stadium, "OMG lets go," Ginny said energetically and bounced along beside Fred and George, "Woah calm down Gin," Fred said, "let her be! Come on Ginny" Willow said and grabbed Ginny's hand, speed walking ahead of the group, glancing back every few moments to make sure that they didn't lose the group.


"Fred, George," Willow said snapping her fingers in front of their faces, the Bulgarian mascots had come out and every male (and a few females) were under their trance. "Fred" Willow called out again, waving her hand in front of his face, this was one of those moments where Willow could grow frustrated extremely quickly and she shook Fred vigorously willing him to snap out of it. She then turned to George and repeated the action, if only Angelina could see him now."Ugh," Willow groaned and hit her head onto Fred's shoulder, "Woah Willow what's wrong?" he said, she looked down at the Veela, they had stopped dancing. Willow sighed, thankful that it was over, "thank god they stopped," she said and patted Fred's head, "what?" he said confused. "You were under the Veela's trance, and well let's just say I got a little frustrated at them" she explained, "looks like the crowds pretty frustrated too," George said leaning forwards to get a better view, he was right the stadium had erupted with angry shouts and yelling. "Harry, why did you try and jump out of the box!" Hermione was scolding Harry and Ron was pissing himself with laughter, that was until Hermione turned on him, "you weren't any better, Ronald," she said shrilly, he stopped laughing almost instantly.

The event sent the crowd scrambling to get the gold coins that were raining from the sky, Willow picked one up and examined it. If leprechauns could produce gold then why would there still be poor people, something wasn't right, she thought back to an essay they had to do in the third year about leprechauns in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Then it came to her and she remembered that the gold would fade away after a while, she grinned as she watched the twins grabbing as much as possible, she would let them have their fun. "Willow why aren't you grabbing any?" Ginny asked curiously, "it's leprechauns gold, it'll disappear after a while" she explained, Ginny's jaw dropped and she gave all of her coins to Ron, who greedily snatched them up.


"Sounds like the Irish has got their party on," Fred said as Willow sat in the boy's tent discussing the game, "that's not the Irish" Mr Weasley said urgently as he came into the tent, concern etched on his face. "Quick we have to go, Fred, George take care of Ginny, Willow, you stick with them, Harry, Ron and Hermione, try to keep up with them" Mr Weasley instructed them. Willow ran outside and froze, there was a group of masked figures who were levitating some muggles in the air and were slowly making their way through the rows of tents, causing destruction and despair. Willow let a gasp escape her mouth before Fred grabbed her hand along with Ginny's and they ran for the forest, there were screaming people everywhere, the crowd around the group started to thicken and Willow only knew she was still with Fred because he still had a tight hold on her hand, it started to slip and soon her hand fell back to side, she continued to run, hoping that she would catch up to them.

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