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<The Great Hall, Last Day of School>

"Yes, yes well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin, however! Recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to award" Dumbledore announced putting up a hand to silence the Slytherins, "to Miss Hermione Granger for the cool use of intellect when others were in grave peril, 50 points" Dumbledore continued smiling to himself, Hermione was in shock, a happy shock though "well done Hermione" Willow whispered to Hermione.

"Second, to Mr Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of wizard chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years, 50 points" Dumbledore kept on going over the loud applause from Hermione's points, a new batch of clapping a little more enthusiastic than the last arose from all the houses except Slytherin.

"Third, to Mr Harry Potter for pure love and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points" The hall erupted "were tie with Slytherin!" Hermione announced, "and finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies but a great deal more to stand up to your friends, I award 10 points to Mr Neville Longbottom".

Neville looked astounded, his mouth wide open and his eyes bulging "well done," Fred said patting him on the back, "assuming that my calculations are correct I believe that a change of decoration Is in order" Dumbledore clapped his hands and the green and silver banners changed to scarlet and gold as a slight warm breeze blew through the hall "Gryffindor wins the house cup!" Dumbledore announced. The hall erupted...

The Slytherins looked the most miserable they had been in their entire lives, with sour expressions and frowns plastered on their faces. Having the house cup ripped from their grasp so unfairly.

The Ravenclaws sat there still clapping enthusiastically and cheering at the defeat of Slytherin but not going too overboard. Sophisticated if you will

The Hufflepuffs were going mental, standing up and clapping with all their might calling out to the Gryffindors, although their cheers were barely heard over the racket of...

The Gryffindors were celebrating as if it was the last time they could, of course, a party would be organised after but for now, this was their special moment. Their cheers were the loudest, their claps were the hardest and their celebratory jigs and dances were the most enthusiastic and entertaining. Even Percy had joined in.


"Give me an R" Fred bellowed out so the whole common room could hear him "R" they all yelled back "What does that spell" the twins yelled together "GRYFFINDOR !!!!!!" Everyone yelled back and began to cheer and clap again, no one could quite comprehend that they had just won the house cup after who knows how many years, well Hermione probably knows but no one's going to ask her, right? They'd get a full essay on it! "Oomph" Fred exhaled as Willow gave both him and George a massive bear/group hug, she was overjoyed at the victory.

"Oh, I'm so glad," she said practically bouncing on the spot "wow calm down there Black," George said putting his hands on her shoulders to stop her from going through the roof. "Ohh but it is so great" she continued still bouncing on her toes slightly. "You're crazy," Fred said laughing at Willow's enthusiasm, "thank you" she replied grinning broadly. "Mad even" George added, "even better," Willow said, the twins looked at each other and raised an eyebrow, Willow was grinning mischievously.

"We love you and your mad hatter ways," the twin's said in unison and hugged her from either side squishing her, she giggled "I love you two as well, and your muggle references! Well done!" she said then continued to giggle, "I think she's drunk on excitement," George said in a matter of factly tone to Fred who nodded and said "I do believe so", "how do we fix her sir Freddie" George continued "well I think we just have to wait until it wears off" Fred replied in an important tone. Willow continued to laugh and soon was doubled over again wheezing to catch her breath.

"midnight on the dot," George said as Willow fell asleep on the couch, the party still in full swing around her, although several people had retreated to their dorms "let's get her to bed," Fred said picking her up and going upstairs, George knocked on the door "hello," Angelina said opening the door "we've got a delivery," George said stepping aside so she could see Willow asleep in Fred's arms, "oh come in," she said ushering them inside where Fred lay Willow down on her bed, "they'd be a cute couple" Angelina whispered to George who nodded "yeah I agree" he whispered back.

"All done," Fred whispered, pulling the covers up to Willow's neck so she wouldn't get cold during the night, "you're so sweet," Angelina said as the two turned to leave "no, I'm not " Fred retorted, "anyway good night," she said looking a George mainly. "Heh yeah, good night, " George said, "Pff good night to you to Angelina," Fred said and stalked off in a pretend temper tantrum, "he's joking," George said just in case, "I know" she replied smiling at him.


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