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<Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom, Hogwarts>

It was their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of the year, Willow and Fred were sitting together, George and Angelina behind them whilst Alicia and Lee came in late and were on the other side of the room. Everyone was chatting away, waiting for Umbridge to show up,  curious to see what kind of a teacher she would be. A clicking of high heels on the wooden floor was suddenly heard and the class fell silent as they turned to the back of the classroom to see Umbridge standing and smiling at them. "Good morning class" everyone was silent. She began making her way to the front of the class.

"Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, N, E, W, T's also known as Newts. Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be, severe" she glanced around the room, "this is especially important for all of you as this is your final year". With a wave of her wand, a pile of books moved forwards from behind her and made their way to each student, landing in front of them.

Willow looked down at the cover of the book, 'Dark Arts Defense, Basics for Beginners' she frowned, basics for beginners? They were in their last year, they were a bit passed the basics. She raised her hand, "yes miss-", "Black" Willow finished for her and watched as Umbridge's face contorted into disapproval for a moment before it was replaced with a smile. "I can't help but notice it says basics for beginners and as you just said we're in our final year, shouldn't we be past this level by now?", several people around the classroom nodded or murmured in agreement, "well your previous instruction in this subject has been extremely uneven".

She glared around the room, shutting everyone up, "so the ministry and myself have made it our duty to make sure that you are sufficiently educated correctly, and that means starting from the beginning! If you are past this level then you will find it is easy, will you not?" she remarked, looking pointed at Willow who held eye contact but didn't reply.

Another girl on the other side of the room put her hand up, "yes?". "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells, it's just theory," the girl said flipping through the pages of the book as many had. "Using spells?! I can't image why you would need to use spells in my classroom!", "maybe to get you to shut up" Fred whispered to Willow who grinned making an effort not to laugh. "So we're not going to use any magic in this class?" a boy piped up from the back of the classroom, "you will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way!". "But miss how is that going to help us if we do get attacked".

Umbridge sighed and glared at the boy, "it is the view of the ministry that theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which is what school is all about", a murmur broke out across the room, "Silent!" everyone was confused. "But miss, this class is supposed to prepare us for what's out there", Umbridge scoffed, "there is nothing out there dear, who would attack children such as yourselves?", "Sirius Black!" a Hufflepuff girl said shyly. Everyone glanced at Willow who sighed, rolling her eyes. Fred squeezed her thigh under the table. "He is nothing to worry about, the Ministry has that under control", Willow and Fred shared a look.

"Now enough of this stupid talk, let us begin with today's lesson".


The common room was bustling with life, there were a lot of students hanging around after class that day, a lot of potential buyers or people to trial products on. Over the summer holidays, whilst they had been trapped inside the Order headquarters the mischievous trio had been very busy tinkering away at a large range of potential products for the Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. One of those being the 'Skiving Snack Box'. A box with a variety of different sweets, each with different effects but all to make the consumer appear ill and get them out of class.

The twins had previously gone around with Lee, testing the sweets on unsuspecting first years, not telling them what they did. It wasn't to be mean, it was just to make sure that they had the same effect on everyone, and the subject got paid for their services afterwards. But now the products were ready for sale.

The trio had set up a little station in the common room and were trying to swindle other Gryffindors into buying their products. The twins were currently pestering a first-year called Nigel, "skiving snack boxes, snacks that make you ill!", "get you out of class whenever you like!". "Obtain hours of pleasure from unprofitable boredom!", they were going all out to sell their products.

Willow was explaining to a third-year what the puking-pastille did and what the double-ended, colour-coded part of the sweet was for. "First you take the orange half, it will make you throw up but don't worry it's not too bad, I've tried it myself, and then once you've been rushed to the hospital wing you take the purple end which will restore you right back to how you were before you took it!", the third-year nodded, very intrigued, "brilliant, I know!".

The collection of puking-pastilles, fever-fudges, nosebleed-nougats and fainting–fancies had taken a while to perfect and a lot of unpleasant testing between the three of them. However, they were now all complete and ready for sale, Willow was especially proud of the nosebleed-nougats, which had taken a while to get right and had caused a lot of seemingly never-ending nosebleeds.

Fred wandered over to Willow once the third-year had left, "Business is booming" he said and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into his side, "I know right, feels good that we're finally selling them, they took so long!", "we're gonna give the teachers such a headache this year" he chuckled and Willow smiled up at him, "they'll live, I just want to slip Snape a puking-pastille in his morning tea", "that's evil! But genius!".


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