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<Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom, Sometime Throughout the School Year>

"Today we will be touching on the topic of the unforgivable curses, I'm sure that you have learnt about them before but you must understand them," Professor Moody said as he clomped to the front of the classroom "Mr Jordan I would advise that you do not write notes in my class," he said sharply as he spun around on his wooden leg and glared at Lee with his good eye whilst his other eye spun around observing the room. Lee froze and quickly put down his quill. "In this class, we will be learning specifically about how to resist the Cruciatus curse," Professor Moody said in a booming voice as he scanned all the students.

Fred looked at George but found that he was frowning at something, he nudged his twin and he shook his head as if he'd just woken up from a daydream, "what is it?" Fred mouthed to him raising his eyebrows inquiringly. George nodded his head in the direction of where Angelina, Alicia and Willow were sitting, Fred squinted trying to figure out what was wrong, he scanned Angelina and Alicia's face then moved on to Willow whereupon he saw that she had gone several tones paler than she usually was and the look of utter terror on her face reminded him of what had happened to her over the summer.

"I will call out your name and you will come up to the front, attempt to resist the curse then go and sit down, of course, I don't expect you get it first try, that would be quite remarkable," Moody said and shuffled to the side of the classroom. "Mr Jordan if you would", Lee slowly walked up to the front, Fred gave him the thumbs-up as he turned around to face everyone at the front of the class, he smiled feebly. "Crucio", Lee collapsed clutching at his head and screaming soundlessly. He started shaking but looked up his eyes pleading, George looked over at Alicia who had tears streaming down her cheeks. Willow had gone even paler and was looking at Lee with utter horror upon her face and her eyes were wide, she shook her head then turned away not able to look at him any longer.

Lee stopped moving and lay there panting heavily, "nice try Mr Jordan, but not quite if you could return to your seat," Professor Moody said causally, Lee didn't get up, he just lay there panting. Fred looked at George who was looking back at him and nodded, they got up and went to the front of the class, Lee was sitting up now, and they helped him stand up by putting his arms around their shoulders and holding him around the waist. They slowly made their way back to their table and sat Lee in between them. Moody who had watched with curiosity the whole time announced the next name, and the next after that person and the next until finally half the class had gone and was now looking gaunt as they sat in their seats. This is wrong.

"Miss Black, it is your turn," he said and glanced at her, Willow rose slowly, and shakily walked to the front of the class. Turning around she made eye contact only with the floor, she looked terrified and Fred wanted nothing more than to run up to her, hug her, and tell her that she was going to be okay. "Crucio". She emitted a small squeak before collapsing to the ground in a heap as so many others had, she started shaking, more violently than anyone so far. Fred looked away he couldn't bear it, Lee nudged him supportingly. "Look," he said and Fred glanced up at Willow who had somehow gotten up and was now kneeling on the ground, her head hung low. She stood up shakily her head still hung low and Professor Moody lowered his wand "well done Miss Black, never have I ever seen anyone do that first try", Willow raised her head slowly and glared at him until she stumbled forward, her legs giving way and she fell.

Fred gasped as Willow hit her head on the corner of a desk on the way down. Half of the class quickly got up and went over to Willow who was, groaning and had a small puddle of blood wetting her hair. "Aguamenti" Moody snapped harshly and a stream of water hit Willow's face, she gasped weakly and her eyes fluttered open, slowly sitting up she rubbed her head, "are you okay Miss Black?" Professor Moody said more kind than anyone ever thought he could be. "I'm fine," Willow said and held out her hand to be helped up, "have you forgotten that your bleeding?" Alicia said exasperated whilst Fred took her hand and heaved her up, he found that she was surprisingly light, "I'm fine," Willow said again but even more quiet than the last time she'd spoken.

The bell rang and Moody called out after out after them "next lesson the ones who didn't go today will go!". George and Fred grabbed hold of Lee as he swayed for a moment, "did it hurt?", "mate it hurt like hell," Lee said and suddenly Alicia was walking with them, she snatched up Lee's hand and pecked him on the cheek "you were so brave," she said and beamed at him, "Jeez, at least alert us when there's going to be a sexual scene," Fred said covering his eyes with his hands but leaving a gap so he could see where he was going. "Freddie, you're just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend" Lee retorted and George snorted, "what?!", "I just realised that you're the late bloomer in our group" George teased. "Shut up, I'm the better-looking twin and everyone knows it," Fred said in an obvious tone, "you two are crazy," Angelina said appearing next to George.

"But you . . ." George trailed off as he looked at Fred with alarm, "Willow" they cried out in sync. Willow had disappeared, Fred felt stupid that he hadn't even asked if she was okay, or anything and now who knew where she was, "did you notice in the last class, Willow had this terrified look on her face and she was so much paler than usual," Alicia said concerned. Fred frowned, he knew exactly why that was. "We'll see her at dinner," George said reassuringly and Fred knew it was more to him than anyone else.


[✎]Willow Black - Accomplice (Fred Weasley)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें