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There's been a bit of a cheeky time skip... sorry!


<The Great Hall, After the Third Task>

"Cedric Diggory was murdered... by Lord Voldemort"

Willow felt her eyes widen as Dumbledore spoke about how Cedric had died. There had been many rumours flying around the school, but no one had known for sure what the actual reason was, except for Harry of course.

Fred turned to look at Willow as she drew a shaky breath. She hadn't taken it well, no one had. You didn't have to be close to Cedric to be deeply upset by his death. Willow and Fred knew him from the Quidditch pitch and although Fred's relationship with him had been mainly competitive, he knew that Willow liked to have a chat with him in the corridors or during some of the classes that they shared with the Hufflepuffs. Plus with Willow's caring nature, she would've been upset even if it was a mysterious Durmstrang boy who had died.

Fred rubbed his thumb back and forth on the back of her hand, he wanted to pull her into his embrace but that would be inappropriate at this time. And Cedric deserved the utmost amount of respect. Fred tuned out Dumbledore as he continued talking, instead, his mind brought him back to the night of the third task.


Fred stood there, arms wrapped around Willow from behind as they all stood, waiting for the champions to return. Everyone in their group was laughing and joking around as they tried to pass the time. "What do you call a wizard without the 'd'?" George said, winking at Fred as he grinned.

"I don't know? Wizar?" Alicia said and Lee nodded along, just as confused. "Go on George, what is it?" Angelina asked and Fred had to stop himself from laughing too early. "A witch," George answered and looked around at everyone. "Huh?". both Alicia and Angelina were staring at him with confused faces whilst Lee scoffed. Fred felt Willow shaking in his arms as she started laughing. "George, that was horrible!" Willow said in between giggled.

"I don't get it," Alicia said looking at Willow, "a wizard is a dude, right, and a witch is a lady". Alicia gave her a blank look before her face lit up, "oh". They waited a little while longer before Angelina also got the joke, she turned to George and hit him, "that's disgusting!".

As they were all laughing suddenly there was a lot of commotion, "ooh someone must be back!" Alicia said and turned, standing on her tiptoes to see what was going on. "Well Fleur and Krum are already back so it must be Harry or Cedric, I hope they're alright!" Willow said as she also craned her neck to see.

"It's both," George said, as the taller ones, George and Fred had the advantage in seeing what was going on. "Something's not right" Fred whispered and Willow turned to look at him, "what?".

They were struggling to get Harry to let go of Cedric who was lying unmoving on the ground. Everyone was a bit slow at registering what was going on until Amos came onto the scene. "THAT'S MY SON!". Fred felt as Willow began to tremble a little bit, only slightly.

She turned around and buried her head in his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso, "I've seen enough" she whispered. Fred tightened his grip around her and bent down slightly, nuzzling his head into the side of her neck. "Everything's going to be okay" he muttered to her. Everyone was silent, the shock of the reality of the situation finally sinking in.

Cedric was dead.


Everyone walked slowly back to the common room. What a way to end the year. "Every year has its quirks," Fred said and squeezed his girlfriend's hand. She squeezed back and whispered, "I didn't like this one". He nodded, "Me neither, he didn't deserve what fate had in mind for him". She sucked in another deep breath.

"Cedric wouldn't want us to mope about, let's be brave, for Cedric," she said and nodded her head, determined. What an odd year it had been. "That's the spirit".


[✎]Willow Black - Accomplice (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now