Chapter 29

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Before I start this chapter, I wanted to say thank you to all of you guys. Just reached 3K readers and didn't even realized it xd, and also want to say happy birthday to PhilongN, wishing you all the best.

Saturday, 3rd April 2027
Kazuto POV

"Ahhh finally after 2 hours of packing my luggage." I place the biggest luggage next to my bedroom door so it'll be more convenient to move it for tomorrow's flight.

Today is technically my last day in Japan because I'll be leaving tomorrow very early in the morning to take the flight to Amsterdam first for transit and then the my arrival to Vienna. It's gonna be a very long flight but I can't wait to go there and explore more at Austria and even most of Europe.

My room is now almost completely empty except for one book that I'm thinking I'm gonna bring it with me which is an album book that Asuna gave me for my 18th birthday, I decided to read it one last time before I'll throw it away to the attic since I'm still hurt for what she had done to me.

I read it with a smile and a single tear dropped onto the paper as I can't hold it from this feeling inside my heart. Why did you leave, Asuna ?

That's has always been inside of my head for the last couple of weeks but I'd manage to sort of moved on from her. I had enough reading and scanning the photo of me and her, so I close the book then dropped it all of a sudden a note at the very end of the book. I didn't know this thing existed in the first place.

I opened the note and realized it was from her saying.

You might not find this note but it's fine by me actually, I just wanted to say that you, Kirito, no Kazuto Kirigaya. You are the most precious person that I have ever had in my entire life.

You always been on my side everyday ever since that we've met for the first time. I love it when you're worried about me even though you didn't look at yourself just like how you get sick last time.

But if someday, I leave you or you leave me, know that I love you and I always love you until death comes. I don't care about a thing, I just wanted to be with you until the end.

Love you,
Asuna Yuuki <3

I cry for almost the entire time I was reading this note from her, I'm very arrogant that I left her and didn't realize that she loves me with her entire heart but broke it because of what I've done to her.

A slow knock from the door make me wipe my tears. "Come in." I say slowly and revealed Sugu, she comes to me slowly and sit next to me.

"Are you alright, oniichan ?" She asks. "What do you think I look like right now ?" I simply answer her that to just let her to get to the point of the conversation. "You look like a hopeless guy who is going abroad but to a nowhere place."

I chuckle at what she thinks about me. "No shit Sherlock, what brings you here ? Did aunty say anything to come downstairs ?" I ask her. "No, she didn't but the thing is before you go, you might actually needed to say a proper goodbye to 'her' if you know what I mean."

"A proper goodbye huh ? After what she's done to me, you want me to say a proper goodbye to her ?" I got a bit carried away by my actions. "Please oniichan, Mrs Yuuki asked me to tell you that." My eyes widen and feel my heart starts to pump more faster than normal.

I sigh and put my hand on my chin. "I'll think about it but can you please give some space, thank you." Sugu left my room and I flop to the bed staring at the ceiling thinking about should I go to her house or ignore it, my brain says no don't go but my heart says yes I should go.

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