Chapter 54

907 26 18

Asuna POV
Minutes Earlier
Kirisuna's House

"You're quite more active today, is it that because you want attention from your mommy ?" I giggled while rubbing my belly, she's been more active as time goes by. In the morning it was pretty normal, usual amount of kicking, but now it's more often and sometimes it gives me a little bit of pain by her kicking. I stood up from the sofa and was about to go to the kitchen to wash my dish after eating here, but when I tried to stand up, I could feel the pain from my back.

"Ouww... You're heavier than before.. I wonder why.." I walked slowly to the kitchen, but still, it's so painful, even with this amount of speed walking towards there. "Ouwww...." I could feel my stomach becoming more and more painful than before, I might be thinking that this is my first contraction and what I've heard is that this is one of the signs where childbirth is imminent. I need to get to my phone to call on Sugu because if something happens to me, she's the nearest one here while Kirito is very far from here.

I tried to walk, but it's so painful and I was barely able to hold it. "You can do this Asuna." I have encouraged myself to hold the pain for a while until I grabbed my phone. I turned on my phone and tapped the contact button scrolling down towards where 'Sugu' name's located at. I tapped on her name waiting for her to answer my call. At this moment, the pain is very agonizing and I couldn't help myself to let out a scream between my breath. "P-Please pick it up..."

Only for 15 seconds later, she managed to answer up my call. "Hello Asuna, is there anything I could help you ?"

"Su-Aghhhhh !!"

"Asuna ! I'm going to your house right now, please hold on for a minute. I'll be right there as soon as I can." She could read the situation very quickly, thank god. "Pl-Please hurry up.." She hangs up from the call and on her way towards here. Thankfully, Kirito's parent's house isn't that far away, only about a 15 minutes of walk or even faster if she ran here. I really want to call Kirito right now, but if I call him he will be very panicked. Of course right now he's pretty far away, he will be driving here very carelessly and dangerously. The last thing I want to hear is that he's on a motorbike accident.

The pain in my stomach became much worse, I couldn't even stand up properly now. "Ughhh... You're an impatient young lady..." I giggled while holding the pain. The doctor predicted that I would give birth around the 2nd week of October but I guess that our little angel doesn't want to wait anymore longer.

I heard the slam from the front door and thank god that it was Sugu, she came here very quickly. "Asuna ! Are you alright ?!" She puts down her bag then she checks up on me. "I'm not doing that great... Since labor is pretty much inevitable, can you bring my stuff from the bedroom ? It's already inside a bag." I asked her help, she nodded and ran straight away to our bedroom.

She ran back towards me and put the bag on the sofa. I tried to change my position so I could be comfortable but when I moved I could feel a slow leak of water. "I-I think my water just broke..."

"I'm gonna call niichan right now !" She opens up her phone and calls Kirito. "Aghhh !!!"

"Sugu, talk to me slowly." I could hear his voice and thank god he knew what's happening. "A-Asuna-san, sh-she... her water broke." She told Kirito.

"Alright, I need you to call an ambulance to the Tokyo Central Metropolitan Hospital. Her doctor's name is Doctor Sakito. Call it now !" He instructed Sugu by the phone. "I will just tell Asuna's parents now that she's gonna be in labor any hours from now."

"I will, thanks for the help Sugu." As they ended their conversation, she immediately tried to call an ambulance and managed to get one and coming towards the house around 5 more minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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