Chapter 77

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S   T   I   L   E   S

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I was getting exhausted. I had been ducking through alleys and jumping rooftop from rooftop trying to avoid the Beast. My infrared vision searched for the monster. I shifted back to normal before reaching the ground. I looked around, sweating and out of breath. The blood on my face had dried and the few claw wounds I had received from the Beast hadn't healed yet. I leaned against a brick wall breathing heavily. I had managed to lose the monster but refused to stop running. A roar broke the dead silence. It sounded about 8 or 9 miles away. I stumbled out of the dark alley limping. I heard voices inside the building on the top floor next to me. "There are two monsters in town. One is on fire and the other is covered in smoke." A girl stated. "Fire? Like a Hellhound?" A boy asked. "Yes." She answered. My breathing slowly got shallower. I entered the building and unsteadily made my way to the set of stairs that led up to the floors of the building. I held onto the railing of the stairs before nearly collapsing to the stone floor. I trudged to the pocket under the stairs that was hidden in the shadows before sliding to the floor. I looked down at my bare torso and examined the long claw wounds going up and down my chest and abdomen. A strong scent caught my attention. It was right outside the door. But there were no sounds. I silently cried out in pain as I got to my feet ready for a fight with the Beast again. My eyes flickered their Hellhound orange before the door opened. I lunged at whoever entered before being stopped by an olive skin teenager with black hair in a gray faded denim jacket, a tank top, cargo pants, and boots. He had a crook jaw and black eyes. My eyes flared orange as I grabbed his arms and spun him around and slammed him into the wall behind me. I raised my hand to finish him off before an iron grip wrapped around my wrist. I looked to my right to find a man in his early 20s that had piercing glowing blue eyes, black hair, and perfect facial features. He was wearing a tight forming navy blue v-neck tshirt and boot-cut denim jeans with weathered boots. He was wearing a black leather jacket that had seen better days. His eyes stopped glowing before looking at me with a concerned look on his face. "Stiles?" He asked surprised. "Derek." I breathed before my eyes fluttered closed and I fell into him unconscious.

D   E   R   E   K

I looked down at Stiles worried at his condition. I swept his legs out from under him before carrying him up the stairs to my loft. I entered the loft to find Scott's pack talking to one another. "Derek? Oh my God!" Lydia stated looking over at the unconscious wounded figure in my arms. I set him down on the bed before looking him over. He was covered in head to toe in deep claw marks and blood. "Who is he?" Malia asked. "His name is Stiles Mikaelson. My ex." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Your ex?" Theo asked me. "You gotta problem with that?" I asked. "Nope. No problem here." He said. "What happened to him?" Lydia questioned. "I think he was fighting the Beast." I explained. "What do you mean he was fighting the Beast?" Parrish asked. "The fight that Lydia saw? That wasn't you she was talking about. It was him." I said pointing at the boy on my bed. "He's a Hellhound?" Parrish asked. "Yes." I said. At that moment, Stiles' eyes snapped open with glowing fiery irises. He sat up quickly before speeding away from us to stand in a corner. He clutched his side before speaking. "WHERE AM I?" He asked in demonic deep voice. "My loft. In Beacon Hills. Stiles it's me. It's Derek." I told him. "I'M NOT STILES." He stated looking at me. "Who are you?" Lydia asked. Stiles looked to her before appearing before her. "BANSHEE." He said grabbing her arms. "Who am I talking to?" She asked him. "CERBERUS. GARMR. BLACK SHUCK. I'VE HAD MANY NAMES." Stiles answered. "Why are you here?" She asked him. "TO PREVENT THE END OF YOUR WORLD. THE BEAST IS COMING. IT NEEDS TO DIE. IF IT DOESN'T. A SUPERNATURAL APOCALYPSE WILL START AND EVERYONE WILL DIE INCLUDING THIS IMMORTAL BODY." Stiles explained. "Immortal? You're saying that Stiles is immortal?" I asked confused. "THIS BODY IS THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN HISTORY. A GENETIC CHIMERA WITH UNIMAGINABLE AND ENDLESS POWER. BORN TO TWO HYBRID OF A VAMPIRE AND A WEREWOLF. DESTINED...TO SAVE THE WORLD." He ranted. "The world? From what?" Scott asked. "HIMSELF." He answered. "WHERE IS THE BEAST?" He asked looking at Lydia before his eyes looked over at Parrish. He leaned his head to the right a bit before speaking. "ANUBIS. YOU'RE ALIVE." He told him. Jordan's eyes involuntarily went the same as Stiles'. "BROTHER." Parrish stated. "I am so confused right now." Malia said. "You and me both." Theo stated crossing his arms. Cerberus paused for a moment. "THE OTHERS HAVE ARRIVED...YOU HAVE TO PROMISE ME THAT YOU LURE THE BEAST TO ME. ANUBIS...YOU'LL BE THE ONE THAT DRAWS IT TO ME." Cerberus stated. Parrish went up in flames. "PERFECT." Parrish rasped. "EVERYONE ELSE. STAY OUT OF MY WAY." Cerberus stated before the door to the loft opened to reveal a group of teens and a hunter. "Is it me or does that dude look like Dean Winchester?" Malia whispered. "Stiles!" A girl shouted before stopping short. "NO. BUT IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO HIM EVER AGAIN...YOU WILL DO WHAT I TELL YOU WHEN I TELL YOU TO DO IT. ANYTHING ELSE WILL RESULT IN PEOPLE DYING. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Cerberus voiced. A roar sounded nearby before Nik's head snapped over to the window. A low growl came from his lips before changing into a giant red muscular monster covered in flames with multiple fangs and black claws. He looked to Parrish before jumping through the window of the loft and running off to get a headstart. "You heard the Hound." I said before walking away.

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