Chapter 71

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I ran at Marcel digging my foot into the dirt before plowing into him. He slammed his elbow into my back as I screamed. I smashed into a tree and pinned him three throwing a punch into his face. He it connected but not the second one. He dodged and quickly slammed his fist into my chest before sending a second into my underjaw. I flew backwards into the air before crashing into the ground. I snapped my head up as Marcel's fist flew into my mouth multiple times. He pulled his fist back one last time and smashed it into my mouth. I reeled back and growled. I looked back at Marcel before spitting a tooth out. "I'm sorry." He said. I grabbed his neck and leapt to the sky, slamming him into a tree on the way up. I smashed Marcel into the ground grabbing his leg and slammed him into the ground. I swung him over my head before hammering him into the ground. I smashed him into the ground one last time and let go of him. Marcel laid on the ground groaning in pain as I walked away shaking my head. "WORTH MY TIME." I said for the first time in this form. My voice was deep and raspy. I sauntered over to Hope and Rafael who were on the ground next to Landon. Hope was in tears before looking up at me. I ignored the excruciating pain of all bones breaking at once as I turned back into a human. My pain didn't matter. What mattered was Hope. I walked to Hope and pulled her into a hug. "It'll be okay." I said as Hope sobbed into my shoulder. "Shh." I said as she clung to me.

"YOU CAN SAVE HIM." The Hellhound told me. What? What are you talking about? I pulled away from Hope and walked to Landon. "YOU'RE POSSESSED BY A HELLHOUND. THE HARBINGER OF DEATH. YOU MAY REEK OF DEATH BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN'T BRING THINGS TO LIFE." It explained. You're telling me that I can save him? "I'M TELLING YOU THAT YOU CAN BRING BACK THAT WHICH WAS LOST. LANDON'S SUPERNATURAL I WOULD KNOW BECAUSE I CAN SENSE IT. ALL HE NEEDS A SPARK TO IGNITE THE DORMANT GENE INSIDE OF HIM. YOU CAN BE THAT SPARK. YOU ARE THAT SPARK, STILES." The Hellhound explained. I looked down at Landon with glowing orange irises. I knelt down. "Nik? What are you doing? Get away from him." Hope told me. I pressed my hand onto his chest. Flames erupted from my body as an aura of the Hellhound's spirit surrounded me. I screamed out in pain as my eyes glowed bright white. Black veins shot up my right arm. I screamed out again as the pain coursed through my body. It was like something I've never felt before. It was an intense heat. Which was saying something because I'm a Hellhound. I'm immune to fire. But I felt this heat. It felt like the sun. My shouts of pain pleased the Nogitsune within me, giving it more power than it's ever had. "ALMOST STILES! IT HASN'T REACHED HIS HEART YET!" The Hellhound roared. "I can't do it!" I cried. "YOU HAVE TO!" He screamed. An immense power surged through me making the pain more unbearable. My screams shattered the trees nearby and cracked the ground beneath me. "You can do this, Child. I have faith in you. I am with you." The Kasai said as nine tails materialized behind me and aimed at Landon. "DONE!!" The Hellhound shouted over me screaming. A blast of power smacked into me as the nine tails retreated back inside me along with two auras. I flew across the woods and soared helplessly as my eyes fluttered close. I hit something hard and stopped. I opened my eyes a bit. I found myself in the arms of Marcel. "You have a knack for sending people flying don't you?" He asked me. My eyes drifted close and fell unconscious.

H   O   P   E

I looked at my brother in Marcel's arms. My brother was smoking. Literally. "What did he do?" I whispered. "He was talking to the Hellhound. I think...they were...saving him." Alaric answered. "Saving him how?" I asked. " I stull delusional or do ya'll see this?" MG asked. I turned around and looked at Landon. His body was also smoking. I looked back at my brother and back at Landon. "Put him out, Hope." Raf stated. "Uh...Adiuuatur. It's not working. I....Wh-What's going on?" I said. "I don't know. I've never seen anything like this." Ric said as Nik awoke with a shout. He looked around wide-eyed. He fell to the ground before standing up. "Did it work?!" He asked unsteadily walking to us. "What the hell did you do?!" I asked him angrily slapping his chest. He caught my hands shoving them away. "Shut up and watch." He said offended. I turned around before watching Landon go up in flames. I watched on in horror before the fires died down and a pile of ash was left behind in the form of Landon. "Damn." Kaleb said. Nik crossed his arms dropping his head. I looked over at him before slapping him in the face. He snapped his head back at me with shock on his face. "You did this." I cried pointing at him. "It's not over." He said. "What's not over?!" I shouted. "We've been wondering if he's supernatural. We have our answer." He explained as the pile of ash began to crack and break. A hand shot out and a couple of seconds later, Landon got o his feet covered in his ash. He looked around at all of us. "What's going on?" He asked us. "You ever heard of the legend of the Phoenix?" Alaric asked him. I slowly looked over at Nik to see he was already heading back to school speeding away in black blur. He was telling the truth....he was saving him.

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