Chapter 8

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Like always...I was right...again. The strange woman was our monster and turned into a dragon. What are the odds? I stood in a cellar opposite to Landon and Rafael. "You make so much as a muscle movement, you'll know what it feels like to have your spleen ruptured." I said to Landon threateningly. His eyes went wide. "You try and I'll tear to pieces." Rafael said getting in my face his eyes glowing yellow. "Don't. Test me." I spat while veins shot up towards my glowing eyes letting out a growl. "Stiles. Stand down." Alaric said. "Why don't you tell you the overprotective brother to do it first?" I asked. "You mean you?" Hope chimed in. "Nik! Stand! Down!" Dr. Saltzman ordered. I backed away. "You talk to her, I'll kill you. You break her heart, I'll kill you. You get near her, I'll kill you. Is there anything about what I just said that you don't understand?" I stated. Landon shook his head. I turned away and left the cellar. "Stiles! The dragon!" Hope called out. "Well, it needs to bug off!" I shouted throwing my arms into the air as I blasted the beast with magic. It roared and flew away. I opened the cellar door. "Get out now and run." I said. Everyone just stared. "DID I STUTTER?! I SAID GET OUT AND RUN!" I yelled. Alaric motioned for the four of them to exit the cellar. Rafael and Landon ran off to the SUV while Alaric stayed back. "Hope. Nik. You guys need to go." Ric said. "HA! That's funny. Like we'd let you fight this thing by yourself. Yeah, no thanks." I said rolling my eyes. "Yeah and how are we supposed to explain to your daughters how all that's left of you is a pile of ash?!" Hope asked him. "Really? The dad card? That's a low blow." Alaric said a bit offended. "Deal with it and head back to the car." Alaric said running away.

"Okay, Nik. What's your big plan?" Hope asked. "Why you asking me? You're the one that brought this death spell." I said. Her eyes widened. "How did you-" Hope started. "Know? Hope, please. It's me. Also...Kol would have done the same" I said with a shrug as I pulled out the piece of paper showing it to her. "You really are a mix of dad and Kol, aren't you?" She said with a smirk. I shrugged with a smile. "I try." I said turning towards the dragon in the sky and passing the paper to Hope. "Sis. Would you care to do the honors ?" I asked. She brought our the knife and grabbed the spell. I looked up at the sky as my eyes glowed. Flames engulfed my forearms as an aura of 7 flaming fox tails moved behind me like tendrils. "Bit much don't ya think?" Hope asked. "Hope. Dragon. Spell. Dagger. Now. Please." I said rapidly as the dragon soared down towards the two of us. She repeated an incantation before the dragon reached us. A blast wave knocked me and Hope off our feet sending us flying backwards. My back slammed into the building behind me and I crashed to the ground unconscious.

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