Chapter 43

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I should have bet money, because believe it or not. I finished all of my exams in exactly 15 minutes. Want to know how I know? I counted. I grabbed my exams and headed back to Dr. Saltzman's office. I turned a corner to bump into Landon. "Hey! Stiles! How are you?" He asked. "Aside from the fact that I can't do the thing that I really want to do right now. Pretty good." I said with a shrug. "Going to take your exams?" He asked pointing to the packets under my arms. "Actually just finished them." I said. "Really? How long did that take?" He asked wide-eyed. "Let me ask you question, how long do you think it took me?" I asked raising a brow. "4 hours?" He guessed. I let out a laugh. "That's hilarious." I said. "Try a bit quicker" I suggested. "2?" "Lower." "Hour 45?" "Nope" "An hour?" "Try 45 minutes less." I stated. "15?! No way. There's no way. I refuse to believe that you did four exams in 15 minutes. It's impossible." He exclaimed. "That was your first mistake, Kirby. Thinking that it was. When in fact, us Mikaelsons, make it a very common occurrence to do exactly what many others believe to be undoable. The Mikaelson Family is proof of the impossible. Exhibit A, they were near immortal and nigh-unkillable. Exhibit B, my father, Niklaus both an Original Vampire and werewolf which makes him the Original Hybrid. History's first and the world's first Hybrid. Now...vampires can't procreate...because well...they're dead. But because he's part-werewolf. It was made possible. And that finally brings us to exhibit C, me and my sister. She's three different creatures which was thought to be impossible because well...witches can't be vampires and vampires can't be witches. Of course, she hasn't died yet so, her vampire side hasn't kicked in. However, I am six creatures. Practically unheard of. not in my vocabulary, my friend." I lectured before entering Alaric's office dropping the exams on his desk. 

4 : 0 0  P  M

I sat in the den resting my chin on a table while I played with the flame on the candle in front of me. I watched the flame dance in sync with my pointer finger. "Nik. How many times have I told you? No playing with fire." Alaric said walking by. "Give me something to do...and maybe I won't." I said. " can just do what I tell you for once?" He suggested with a smile. I sighed as I flung the flame into the fireplace and lit it. "Buzzkill!" I called out as he walked away. "I know!" He yelled back walking away. I shoved my tongue into my right cheek as I shook my head. 

5 : 0 0  P  M

I paced Alaric's office in front of Hope, Landon, and Saltzman. "The senior witch faculty has mixed together a batch of energy herbs to help you stay awake. So, for those of you who are not getting on the evacuation bus, for lack of a better term, please dose yourselves responsibly." Dr. Saltzman said into the intercom. He set it down. "I'm gonna get sued." He stated immediately afterwards. "Or hexed, at the very least." He added. "Or killed." I voiced. He looked over at me with a glare. "Sorry." I said. "You don't have to be so hard on yourself. At my last school, the gym teacher was dealing coke under the bleachers." Landon offered Alaric. "Oh, yeah, that only makes me feel marginally better." Ric answered. "Ow." Landon said while Hope healed his wound. "Hey, uh, hold still. I'm almost done, okay?" She told him. "Okay. What do you think she meant when she said "bring it home"?" Landon asked. "I'm guessing she means Malivore. It seems her plan is to torment us until we produce the urn." Dr. S answered. "Right. But if the Night Hag is a monster that's trapped on the astral plane, then how can she even physically take the urn anywhere?" Landon asked. "Yeah, the book also says the Night Hag can't affect our reality, but...Rafael's welt, your hand, Nik's slashes seemed to prove that wrong. When your research consists of fairy tales and urban legends, sometimes the stories get twisted." Alaric explained. "Human dragon, anyone?" Hope and I said simultaneously. We looked at one another with a smile. "Dorian might be busy with the evacuation, but we'll figure this out. When the Night Hag finds a way to get the urn, we'll be there to stop it." Alaric voiced. "Well, at least it was a pretty memorable first day." Landon joked. I immediately turned to Landon cocking my head to the right as I squinted my eyes with furrowed brows and a confused smile.

 I immediately turned to Landon cocking my head to the right as I squinted my eyes with furrowed brows and a confused smile

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"Yeah, and the Night Hag is likely just getting started. You know, Landon, I really wish you'd just evacuate with the others." Dr. Saltzman stated. "I worked so hard to get here. If I run at the first sign of trouble, what's the point?" Landon asked. "The point, Landon, is that we're trying to look after you." Alaric told him. "Honestly, you three are taking better care of me than anyone in my life ever has." Landon pointed out. "Course, I had to stab myself to get your attention." Landon said to Hope. I let out a sigh as I dropped my head shaking it. "Bloody hell." I whispered. "You know, we're all good here." Hope announced awkwardly. She got up from her seat and passed me as she kissed the top of my head. "Well...I'll take that as my cue to wolf out." I said. " can't. If you wolf out you fall asleep after shifting. You'll be vulnerable." Alaric warned. "Oh yeah." I said before groaning. "Can someone kill this thing already? The longer I go without sleep the more pissed I'll get." I said walking out the office. 

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