Chapter 55

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Josie had me pinned me to the door of my room. Our lips were currently connected while we stood in the hallway. I reached behind me fumbling for the doorknob. "Stiles. Open. The bloody. Door." The fox told me in my head. Hey! You try making out with a girl while you're trying to open a locked door! "I have....Not that hard." He answered. Yeah...well....I got nothing. "Oh for the love of Thor's hair!" I exclaimed breaking the kiss. I turned to the door and kicked it open. I looked back at Josie. Her eyebrows were risen and her eyes wide with shock. "Not exactly what I had in my mind." The fox stated. Oh shut up! "Stiles!" Josie exclaimed. "Josie!" I shouted in the same tone of voice as hers. "You kicked the door in!" She said. "I know. That's a thing that just happened." I said pulling her inside and closing the door. I went to turn the lock on the door before finding the doorknob on the floor. I picked it up and slammed it back onto the door. "Why...won' the bloody hole?!" I exclaimed. "Wow." The fox stated sarcastically. OKAY! THAT'S IT! Another word from you and I'll show you a hole! It's called a grave. And I'll throw you into it! "And how exactly are you going to throw a demon fox possessing your mind into a grave?" He asked. Believe me. I'm a Mikaelson. I'll find a way, Foxy. "Think Stiles! Think! What would Dad do? would Dad NOT do?" I whispered to myself. "Ooh! Magic. He wouldn't do magic." I said snapping my fingers. The doorknob appeared back on the door and locked itself. I stood up straight and smiled. "Good news, Josie. I fixed the--" I announced turning around to see Josie on my bed in less clothes than what she walked in with. "Door." I finished. She wore a smirk on her face. "Is it hot in here? It must be hot in here. Because I'm hot. Are you hot? Don't answer that." I rambled running a hand through my hair. "Well...if it's hot in here....then do what the guy in that song said." Josie stated. "Take off all your clothes." She said before wagging her pointer finger at me. I found myself being flung towards Josie onto the bed by an invisible force. I looked down at her staring into her eyes. "How'd you do that? I thought you had to siphon power to do magic?" I asked. "I did. When we kissed, you goof." She answered with a smile. "Oh...right." I voiced. "I don't think I have ever seen you so...confused as to what to do right now." Jo pointed out. "Confused? What makes you think that I'm confused?" I asked raising a brow as I brushed a strand of hair out of her face with my middle finger.  "Love. My dad happens to have 900+ years of experience with this...sort of thing." I whispered into her left ear. I pulled away before pressing my lips to hers. She went along with it matching my rhythm. Her hand found its way to the left side of my neck before traveling to my shirt and peeling it off. I reached for the shirt and peeled it off. I tossed the shirt to the side before placing my hands on either side of Josie's abdomen. I pressed my lips to her sternum before slowly working my way down her left collarbone and back up her neck. I felt her fingers intertwine with my own. I squeezed her hands gently sliding her hands up the mattress pinning them on either side of her head. She squirmed beneath me as I kissed her lips. My heart was pounding within my chest. I let go of her hands reaching up to grab the headboard above her head, tightly. I let out a low growl against her lips, making our lips buzz slightly. My grip on the headboard grew tighter before splintering the wooden bar. My hands dropped by my side before making way towards her bare thighs. She shivered the moment my fingers made contact with her skin, moaning quietly against me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I broke the kiss before opening my eyes and looking into hers. I was breathing heavily. "Your eyes...are glowing purple." Josie pointed out. "They are? Maybe we should stop then--" I started sitting up. "No!" Josie interrupted stopping me. "No?" I asked. "No." She stated sitting up placing her head on right shoulder, her hands wrapped around my abdomen settling on my thighs. I looked over at her. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Do unicorns exist?" She asked smirking. I smiled back before pressing my lips against hers again. My hand reached up to her face before she climbed around me and pushed me down onto the mattress. She sat below my abdomen and looked down at me. Her brown chocolate hair feel to her left side. She leaned down slowly before kissing my underjaw and moving up to my lips, biting my lower lip before continuing to kiss me. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her ass as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. "Your dad would kill us if he caught us." I said between breaths. "Yeah...if." She said with a mischievous smile tugging at the button of my jeans. I raised a brow before looking up at her. "Care to help a girl out?" She asked.

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