Chapter 38

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I opened my eyes and looked around. "I'm glad that's over. I didn't like that very much." Dad said. I walked in front of the Necromancer and waved my hand in front of him. "Unbelievable." I said looking at Hope and Dad. "He ditched me." I finished. "Send me back in." I told Dad. "Maybe we should think this through, Nik." Hope said. "Okay." I said freezing for a moment staring at the floor for a second. "Thought about it. Send me in." I said standing behind the sorcerer. Dad stared at me. "Look, Dad. It's fine. If he's going in search of answers, I need to be there when he finds them. I'm ready." I said. "Cool. That makes one of us." Hope said as I closed my eyes. I felt a force bring me somewhere. I opened my eyes and found myself back in Rousseau's. I looked around. I found an empty martini glass. I went for each set of doors and noticed they were all locked. "Great." I muttered. I went to the last door before stopping short and looking to my right. There were photos on the wall of him in the 1920s, everywhere. "Yeah. I could've gone my entire life without seeing that." I breathed looking back at the door. I opened it and saw nothing but pitch blackness and steps that led deep into the empty black void. "This is a little much, don't you think?" I called out. I heard my voice echo slightly throughout the darkness. "And you said you don't like mind games." I stated before walking down the stairs. The deeper I went down, the colder I became. The more on-edge I felt. I took another step but found nothing beneath my right foot. I couldn't stop myself before I fell off the steps into black abyss with a scream.

I woke up and glanced around. The flooring was the same black void as the rest of the darkness. "First of all, ow." I said sitting up. My voice echoed again as I got to my feet. "Second, I'm here. Okay?" I added. It felt like my voice was falling on deaf ears. I started to feel alone. I spun around searching for him. "I climbed your endless staircase down into your bottomless pit of despair. Let's call an end to the torture. Okay? Hey, Almighty Necromancer, we're supposed to be in this together." I called out. I raised my arms into the air before letting drop.My hands swung into my thighs. "Hello? Hello? Hello! Hello!" I shouted.

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I opened my eyes after hearing shaky breathing. I looked up to see Stiles was shuddering and breathing abnormally. "Stiles?" I asked. I glanced over at Hope to see her beginning to worry for her brother. I could tell by her pacing the small cramped cell. 

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"Okay..." I started with a chuckle. "Enough of this. I get it, you want me to admit what I want from you. But you're wrong. I'm not afraid of the fox inside me. And I'm not afraid of me losing to it. Because I won''s not going to happen. I've come to terms with it." I said into the darkness. "You're wrong about me. I don't need to know anything." I said. Silence. "Screw this? Dad? Dad, get me out of here!" I shouted. I looked around. "Dad! Dad?!" I cried out. 

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I snapped my eyes open to the sound of whimpers and crying. I found Stiles in tears softly crying. I walked over to him. "Stiles. Come on. Come on. Come on out. Stiles. Stiles." I said trying to shake him out. He let out a shout of fear. "Stiles!" I exclaimed. I looked at the Necromancer with glowing yellow eyes. "Head dive's over." I growled grabbing his throat. "Let. Him. Out....NOW!" I snarled baring fangs.

Necromancer laughed as his eyes went white

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Necromancer laughed as his eyes went white. "You think this is funny?!" I shouted. I grabbed his collar and raised my hand into the air. "Dad! Don't you kill him. Stiles will be trapped." Hope called out. I snapped my attention to my daughter looking back at the struggling Chimera.  I slowly turned my attention back to the sorcerer. "You of all people...should know...I have a very short temper. And I am very protective when it comes to family. And right in danger. And you...are keeping me from rescuing him...and I don't very much like that." I snarled with a low growl. "Either you let him out now...or I'll introduce to you new horrible ways to see the inside of your decomposing body...while you're still breathing." I threatened.

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I fell to my knees in tears. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked before putting my head in my hands. "Okay, fine. Yes. I want to know. I want to know how long I have till I'm gone. Before the fox takes over. My family said that because I'm a Mikaelson I will last longer than if someone else was possessed by it. But what does being a Mikaelson have to do with being strong enough? I don't know if that's true or not. I don't believe them. I want to. But...they don't know what it's like to house a dark evil that wants to destroy everything. Please..." I cried. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked around to see Necromancer. "Oh, hey." He said. "Don't "hey" me. Get me out of here." I said getting to my feet and storming towards him. "With pleasure." He said snapping his fingers. I opened my eyes with a gasp. "Oops. Daddy's home." Necromancer said. I looked up to see Alaric staring at me. Dad was morphed into his hybrid mode. I took a step away from the being. Not a second later, Dad lunged towards the monster with yell. He grabbed him by his neck and slammed him into the floor with brute strength before pressing his boot onto his throat. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you." He growled. The being laughed. "Fine." Dad muttered stomping on the Necromancer's neck. His head rolled away from his body spraying blood everywhere. Dad looked around and pointedly stared at Alaric. "Oh...I'm sorry...did you want to talk to him?" He asked him before storming out of the cell and up the stairs. I looked at Hope before pulling her into a hug. She squeezed tightly, not letting go. "You're an idiot." She mumbled. "I'm starting to realize you're right." I whispered breathlessly.

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