Chapter 68

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H   E   L   L   H   O   U   N   D

I ran through the woods before taking a sharp left with a leap and landed in the middle of the interstate. A pair of bright lights shone at me. I looked over to see a vehicle slowing down to avoid hitting. I extended my arm and pushed the van to a stop. "Down boy. Let the boy return to his friends." The Nogitsune told me. WHY SHOULD I? HE'S MY VESSEL!  "He's also mine. And I can't do what I want if you're busy using him to terrorize the country." The demon argued. I growled before refusing to comply. "TURN BACK INTO ME! NOW!" The boy shouted  "YOU DO NOT COMMAND ME, CHILD!!" I roared. "Cerberus!!" The Kasai shouted. I grumbled as fought the child. He got the upper hand after he grew angrier using his full tribrid strength to take me down. I let out a roar punching myself in the face to keep control. I roared again stumbling over to the woods where I slammed a fist into a tree struggling to keep dominance. "I SAID. TURN! ME! BACK!" The boy yelled. I howled crashing to the ground fighting to stay. Bones started to break before I inevitably lost and the boy regained control of his mind and body.

J   O   S   I   E

I found Nik on the ground covered in dirt and smoke residue. I looked around. Alaric gave me a blanket before I hurried over. "Where am I?" He asked himself. I knelt down next to him wrapping the blanket around his bare body. He looked at me smiling a bit before I pressed my lips to his. "Jo." He whispered breaking the kiss before his eyes drifted close. Dad came over and picked Stiles off the ground and carried him into the car. "What's wrong with him?" Hope asked. "Being the Hellhound for so long took a lot of energy out of him. He's gonna be out for a couple of hours." Dad explained. "So he really is like the Hulk and Dr. Banner." Kaleb said. "Basically. The Hulk is a rage fueled monster that is housed inside the mind of Bruce Banner. Bruce doesn't usually remember what happens until he's given a report. Well. From what I've seen in the Avengers movies anyways." Hope stated. I raised a brow. "What? I think Captain America is hot." She said with a shrug. I pushed my lower lip and cocked my head to the right a bit with nod of agreement. "Same." I said. So...that's what the Hellhound looks like?" Lizzie asked. "Yeah. There's a reason why it's called the Harbinger of Death. The legend of the Hellhound has been around for centuries. From Ancient Greek times. The most famous being Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld." Dad stated as he drove the van.

"The Hellhound is a spirit like the Nogistune and the Kasai. It's an infinite being that is beyond life and death. It guards the entrance into the Underworld...the land of the dead. The Hellhound is not as bad as what the legends suggests. He's a harbinger of death...yes. But it's also the protector of the supernatural world. It's not an evil spirit more than its being manipulated by one. The Nogitsune has been screwing with the mind of the hound for what I'm assuming to be about 17 years. It's tricked it into doing its bidding. The Kasai possessed Nik when the Hellhound did. Nik was born with the Nogitsune. The Kasai is what keeps the spirits from ripping his mind apart. It's the thing that keeps him sane. The Kasai is basically the peacekeeper of the three spirits inside. It's there to keep an eye on the Nogitsune and protect Nik from losing himself." Dad lectured. "What happens if the Kasai can't keep the peace?" I asked.

"Trust me. You won't have to worry about that. The Kasai is a nine-tailed demon fox...meaning it's 1,000 years old. Also meaning it's extremely powerful. However, with the Nogitsune it's unclear how many tails it has. Because no one has ever seen them. In Japanese mythology, Kitsunes are only supposed to live for a 1,000 years and ascend to Celestial Kitsunes. But this isn't true. Given how the Nogitsune claims to be practically immortal and infinite. There's no telling how old it actually is. It may be the oldest supernatural creature in existence. Both foxes are incredibly powerful. Which is why I wouldn't doubt the capabilities of the Kasai. The Nogitsune may be the most powerful kitsune to ever exist. But that doesn't mean he's jumping at the opportunity to fight a kitsune that may or may not be just as powerful as him. Kitsunes are wise. There's a reason why they're trickster spirits. Because they know what they're doing and how to survive. Stiles is the most powerful supernatural on the planet just by the two foxes alone. Adding the ancient Hellhound to the mix just makes the matter more dangerous." Dad lectured as Nik stirred in the front seat. I stared at his reflection in the side-view mirror before looking up into the night sky.

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