Chapter 7

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After seeing an incinerated bus of people...I was overwhelmed with anger. Anger for this kid hurting my sister. The last people to hurt my sister were vampires that murdered our mother. I went to Alaric's SUV and found a pair of legs from underneath the SUV. "Hello?" I asked. A boy rolled out from the SUV and looked up at me. "Hey." He said rolling back to the SUV. It was Rafael. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Adjusting the sway bar." He said. "Was it broken?" I asked. I heard the sound of metal snapping. Raf rolled out from beneath the vehicle holding a part in his hand. "It is now." Raf said standing up. "You're going after Landon." Raf said. "If you want this car to work, I'm going with you." He said. "You should stay out of it. He's a liar and a thief." I said. "He took a stupid knife." Raf argued. "Nothing in this school is stupid anything." I said. "Look. He's my best friend. And you? You seem vengeful." Raf said looking back at me. "Let me show you something." I said taking a step toward him. I raised my hand up to his head and he grabbed my wrist. I nodded. He let go of my wrist and I pressed my hand to the side of his head. "Close your eyes." I said. I showed him the incinerated busload of people. He pulled away. "What the hell was that?" "Your best friend did that to a busload of people on Route 29 last night and I'm the only one who knows how to find him, so give me the sway bar." I said. "No." He said. "I have actual magic powers." I said. "And I have a long history of anger issues." Raf said getting in my face. "So do I, wolf. If I were you...I'd back the hell up unless you want to know what it's like to go up in flames." I spat my eyes glowing furiously. "Don't try me. I have my dad's 1000 year long temper." I said my eyes glowing their supernatural yellow. Veins shot up towards my eyes like my dad's did whenever someone pissed him off. Rafael backed away. "That's what I thought." I said. I could hear my dad's voice in my head. Calm yourself, Foxy. "He can come." Alaric said with Hope beside him. I looked over at them. "What?" I asked. Rafael smirked. "He knows Landon, he can be an asset. And we need all the help we can get, so fix the car and hop in. And put a shirt on." Ric said. I clenched my jaws getting into the front passenger seat of the SUV without another word. "I think I just pissed off your brother." Alaric said looking at Hope.

I sat in the SUV in silence staring out the window. "Hope tells me he's in the woods near the incident." Alaric said. "That's where I found him." I said deadpan. We arrived at the woods a short while later and I got out of the vehicle slamming the door. I sped into the woods only to be stopped by Hope. "Nik...breathe. This isn't you." She said. "He hurt you. He's lucky he gets to be alive right now." I said. "Mom wouldn't want you to do this, Nik." Hope said. "Dad would want the opposite." I argued my eyes flickering yellow for a split second. I turned to walk away when Hope grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Stiles...please." She said looking into my eyes pleading. I looked down at her and sighed nodding my head. "Fine. But if does so much as one suspicious thing...I'm gonna roast him." I said. Hope smirked. "Thank you." She said. She walked ahead of me as I stood motionless allowing Ric and Rafael to walk past me. "I don't know why he's still here. He has a whole day's lead on us. He can be anywhere." Hope said. "Maybe because he doesn't have a reason to run." Raf said.  "Logic that would be perfectly believable if he hadn't, you know, ran." Hope said. I froze. I heard twigs snapping. "Wait-- Shh!" Alaric said stopping as well to listen.  "You hear that?" He asked. Footfalls occurred nearby. "Someone's here." I answered. I ran towards the sound of breathing. I was hit by the smell of smoke and ash. I found a woman against a tree. The smell emanated from her. "She's a bus victim." Hope said. I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt the Kasai part of me hesitate for a moment on the woman. The kitsune spoke in my mind in its native language. Kanojo o shin'yō shinaide kudasai (彼女を信用しないでください) Don't trust her. She stared at me for a while before following Alaric. Hope and Raf went off to find Landon. I stood alone in the woods watching the woman follow closely behind Dr. Satlzman. "Something doesn't feel right." I whispered. 

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