Chapter 2

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We finally arrived to our destination and I quickly got out the car in a blur. "Aren't you a little excited?" Hope asked doing the same thing. "Look who's talking." I said pointing at her. "Good point." Hope said. I walked to the church with them and spotted a boy sitting on the steps. He looked up and his earbuds fell from his ears. "Hope? Stiles?" The boy asked. "Landon. What are you doing here?" Hope asked. "I'm here with my brother. What are you doing here? Why does he have a crossbow?" Landon asked. "It's complicated. Actually...not really...I really just don't feel like explaining it to you." I said. "Ah." Landon said with a brief nod. "It's locked." Alaric said looking at Hope and me. "Dissera portus." Hope incantated. The doors blasted open and I sighed. "Show-off." I said shaking my head. "Landon you're gonna want to stay out here. Trust me." Hope said. I walked in ahead of Alaric and my sister and flicked my fingers and the exorcist's cross flew out his hand. He looked up at me and I smirked. "Hi." I said. "Silencio." I said opening my hand and closing it. His mouth disappeared. "Cat got your tongue?" I asked cocking my head to the right with a smile. The two others ran at me. "Ad somnum." I said with a sigh of disappointment. The three fell the floor asleep where they stood. "I wanted to do that." Hope said. "There's still plenty to do, Sis. Help me chain him up." I said as Alaric threw me a chain. I grabbed it and cuffed the struggling boy on the floor. He was in the middle of a transformation. Something Hope and I have unpleasantly experienced before. I stood back after Hope and Dr. Saltzman finished. We stared at the now transformed werewolf. "Oh my god." A voice sounded. I turned around and saw Landon. "Like I said. It's complicated." I stated turning back to the growling wolf.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔗𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔰Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora