Chapter 21

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I entered the assembly room with everyone else to find out the elections. I watched as Penelope casted her vote. She walked away and took her seat. I found Hope sitting next to an empty seat. She caught my eyes. "Where's Stiles?" I mouthed to her. She shrugged. "I don't know." She answered. I turned back around and watched as Emma announced the first member. "The werewolf representative will be...Rafael." Emma said looking over at the wolves. The wolves stood up and applauded. "So much for not wanting anything to do with the pack." I said to Lizzie. "I've always wanted to be part of a power couple." Lizzie said looking at Rafael. "All right, settle down. Thank you. Next up...The vampire representative will be..." Emma started as MG stood up with a smile. "Kaleb." Emma finished. MG's smile disappeared from his face as the rest of the vampires cheered for their locked up friend. "All right, guys! Settle down! Thank you." Emma said. The room went silent. "Showtime. How do I look?" Lizzie asked me as I fixed up her outfit. "And the witch representative will be..." Emma started again. The assembly doors opened from above Emma and I looked up to see Stiles dressed in all black. His eyes were flashing multiple times. Orange, yellow, orange, yellow, and back again. I looked at Hope. She was currently staring at her brother with concern. "Josie." Emma ended. I looked at Lizzie as her face fell away. I looked behind us at a smirking Penelope. She winked at me. "Thank you all for voting." Emma said. I looked back at Lizzie, who was clearly heartbroken. "And congratulations to our newly elected representatives." Emma added. I looked up to where Stiles was to see he had vanished. I looked at Hope to find that she had left to go in the opposite direction. 


M I N U T E S   L A T E R

I walked outside again to release my growing rage. But I refuse to release it. I held it back in fear of hurting or killing someone. So the best I could do was to scream inside my head. I headed towards the docks to try and cool down when I heard groans and grunts of pain. I walked over to a hill to find Jed standing over a bloody and beaten Landon. I jumped off the hill and landed behind Jed and grabbed his fist. "I told you about my bad side. Now you're about to see it." I said in a demonic voice as I threw him to the ground. I slammed my foot into his gut and sent him flying across the field. He tumbled across the ground and I sped over to him and threw a punch into his face. He blocked one of my punches and connected his fist with my face. I reeled back stunned. I snapped my attention back at Jed. I growled as I grabbed his shoulders and swung my knee into his face. His blood splattered across my hands. He fell back onto the ground and tried to crawl away. I stalked over to him broke his leg....I was no longer Stiles Mikaelson anymore....I was the Chimera. My murderous, deadly, and volatile alter ego. I let loose a monstrous growl as Jed let out a scream of pain. "Oh shut up. You'll heal." I spat grabbing his shirt and slamming my fist into his face multiple times. He pulled him to his feet and threw him away into a tree. I snarled looking down at the blood on my hands. 

I walked over to Landon and picked him up off the ground and sped into the school. I was given fearful looks at my bloody appearance and Landon's condition. I pushed passed everyone. "Move. Or I'll move you." I threatened as my eyes went orange in fury. They gave way as I made my way towards the med room. "Emma." I said walking into the room. She looked at me with wide-eyes and fear. "Put him down here." She said pointing to an empty bed. "What happened?" She asked. "Jed happened. I found him beating Landon to death. I intervened and stopped before it got any worse." I said. "And whose blood are you currently sporting?" She asked looking at my hands. "Jed's." I answered. "Where's Jed now?" She asked me. "I don't know. I threw into a tree near the woods...I kinda broke his leg. So he couldn't have gotten far." I said. "You broke his leg?!" She exclaimed. "Not important right now, Emma." I told her. "You and I will talk with Dr. Saltzman about this later." She said turning her attention to Landon. I walked out the room without another word. I felt the stare of multiple students on me. I sped away into my room. I fell onto the edge of my bed and locked the door with magic. I waited for Alaric to return from the interrogation with the Dryad as I tapped my foot along the floor. 

H O U R S   L A T E R

"Stiles unlock the door." Alaric's voice announced from beyond the door. I opened the door and he walked in with Emma. "Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked. "I lost it...the Hellhound and the Nogitsune took over and I...lost control on Jed." I said beginning to break down as tears streamed down my face. "You lost control again?" He asked. "I didn't want to...I've just been getting so angry. I've been keeping the anger and rage down and not letting out. When I saw Jed beating Landon up...I let it all out." I said beginning to sob. Alaric pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry. I should've been here." Dr. Saltzman said. "Your sister told me to go easy on you. Obviously...seeing as to how you snapped unintentionally...I'm giving you a position on the honor council." He said. "What?" I asked confused. "You're punishing me by making me a representative on the honor council?" I asked. "I'm punishing you by making you socialize with other people beside your sister and me." He said. "You need to connect with people your age, Nik." He added with a smile. "Is Hope on the council?" I asked. He sighed. "Yes...Hope is on the council." He said. I thought for a moment. "Wait...but I thought each representative was either a witch, werewolf, or vampire?" I asked. " and your sister...have all three. Hope is the representative for the Tribrid faction and you are the representative for the Chimera faction." Dr. Saltzman said. "Hope wants to see you now." He said patting me on the back and gesturing towards the door. I nodded leaving the room looking down at the dried blood on my hands. 

I found Hope in the hallway. She pulled me into a hug. "You had me worried, Nik." She said hanging on to me. "I'm sorry. But I probably didn't scare you more than I scared myself." I said. "I heard." She said against my chest. "It felt like I wasn't in control of my body. I was watching myself explode towards Jed as I beat him senseless." I said. "Well...the honor council are meeting right now on whether or not Landon gets to stay." Hope said. "Then we better get a move on." I said. 

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