Chapter 13

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I walked into the school to find a group of students surrounding a table. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked. "Stiles! What are you doing here?" Dr. Saltzman asked. "I came home to take breather and calm my nerves." I said with a shrug before I noticed a paralyzed Lizzie. My eyes widened. "Lizzie! What happened to her?!" I asked running to her side. "She was attacked by a gargoyle. It seems to be invulnerable to magic attacks." Dr. Saltzman said. I looked down at the claw wounds in Lizzie's torso. I was overwhelmed with a sense of vengeance. I glanced up at Alaric. "Where is it?" I asked. "It's in the school searching for the dagger." He said. I curled my hands into fists. Lizzie was staring at me. I stormed out of the room. "Stiles! Wait!" Alaric called out. I went down the hallway my eyes glowing bright yellow.

20 minutes passed as I searched for the monster. Then...I heard a roar and my head snapped to the right. A growl left my mouth as I followed the echoing roar. I turned the corner to find a giant stony beast at the opposite end of the hallway staring into a door. I whistled at it and it looked at me. "That's right. I'm looking at you, Korg." I said stalking towards it. It ran at me and I broke into a run. I jumped into the air and threw my fist into its head. It reeled back and fell to the floor.


I ran into the school with Hope. "Lizzie!" I exclaimed. "I'll check the library." Hope said going to look. I went to have a look around when I heard a roar. I saw my dad talking to Hope. "How'd you take the containment spell down?" He asked her. "She didn't. I did. And I have a questions." I said grabbing an axe form my dad's hand. "Where's my brother?" Hope asked my dad. "Where do you think your brother is?" He asked sarcastically. A roar was heard and a loud crash. "Got my answer." Hope said a look of worry in her eyes. The three went to search for my sister and we entered the main part of the school. "Emma!" Dad shouted. "Emma came around the corner with a finger to her mouth. I heard a door open and a snarl. I turned around to see the monster at the top of the stairs. It let out a roar and spread out its wings as it flew at Hope. It went to attack her again when my dad jumped in front of her. "No!" He yelled. "DAD!" I screamed. I went up behind it and hit it with the axe and my dad did the same. "Fluctus inpulsa!" Hope yelled. The monster dropped the knife and turned around.

It stood in front of Stiles. Stiles wore a devious smirk on his face. "Where ya going?" He asked slamming an uppercut into the gargoyle's stony jaw. It flew back at high speed towards me and Hope. "Oh no you don't." Stiles exclaimed extending his arm out which was currently engulfed in flames. He pulled the monster back to him and lifted him up higher into the air. "Let this be a warning to whoever you're working for...Don't mess with my family." Stiles spat his eyes glowing like raging fires. He curled his hands into fists and the gargoyle exploded into tiny chunks. The flames on his Stiles' arm died down and he panted looking at the rest of us. "An axe? Really?" He asked breathing heavily.

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