A Sunflower Blooms Among the Roses!

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The weekend

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The weekend. A wonderful time to relax and settle down, calm your nerves from stressing over tests and school work, and finally hang out with friends at a place other than school.

But you know what is even better than a weekend?

Winter break. The week where you can finally wake up from all the insanity you have forced yourself to  partake in. The week where you can stop thinking about school at all, and live a normal carefree life.

At least, that's what Mirai was expecting until she received a text message.

The weekend just began, where she finally had a chance to snuggle in the warm sheets of her bed and sleep in as long as she wants to. Perhaps wake up after noon and have a movie marathon with her mother? Ordering pizza and all kinds of ice creams... It would be even better if one day she could invite her best friend and beloved sister for a sleepover.

But she didn't care at the moment. The future can wait, for all she planned to do now was relax... enveloped in her fluffy blankets... and snooze...

Her phone proceeded to buzz, indicating she received a text message. It can wait. It's not like she's going to put an effort into reaching her arm out to grab her phone lying on the pillow next to her. She had a mission. A reason to live! And that was to be lazy and... sleep...

Of course, the person who sent the message made other plans for her, and continued to send more texts. So many texts to a point where Mirai huffed and grabbed her phone to see what the hell was going on.

Seeing the time was half past noon, Mirai felt irritation within her rise. 'Cause for her, it was too early to "wake up".

But she changed her mind when her annoyance was replaced by worry after skimming through the texts, causing her to instantly jump out of bed and get ready to leave the house.

A while later, she was sitting in a café at the mall, reading through the messages again, wondering what all the fuss was about.

No one ever asked Mirai to meet up when they were in dire need of help. Her help.

Was there something wrong she didn't know about-

"Boo!" someone screeched behind her after grabbing her shoulders.

Mirai let out a squeak and quickly raised her thick bag, consisting of her laptop and headphones, and was ready to hit whoever scared her.

"Wait, wait! Mirai!" the imposter yelped as they raised their hands. "It's just me!"

She blinked in confusion and drew in a shaky breath before sniffling. "A simple hello would have sufficed..."

Her friend laughed and sat across her with a wide grin. "Sorry, sorry! It's just cute to see the way you react when scared~"

Mirai sighed and pouted to herself, before meeting Akira's gaze. "Wait. What are you doing here?"

"That depends... What are you doing here?"

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