Level Three: Hard!

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"This is the place?" she questioned in confusion as she stared at the image of an old mansion. "Although it looks quite impressive, what could we possibly find in here?"

"Something that could set us for the rest of our sorry lives," her co-worker mumbled as he glanced towards their hacker. "Do you have the blueprints of the mansion?"

The hacker nodded as he gazed at the screen of his laptop while stuffing his mouth with french fries, obnoxiously eating as he tapped on the print icon. "Yah, mate. But are ya really sure abou' this? A bank would have been more easy."

The one in charge shook his head as he grabbed the long map which was printed instantly and laid it down on a table, grabbing a pencil to begin planning. "No. This stuff is worth more than one bank."

Irritated by the fact that she had to deal with such annoying men, the woman had to still keep her act together, just so she could easily gain answers and her colleagues trust. "But what do you mean, Cayden? Why couldn't we just go the easy way and steal from banks?" she questioned like a lovesick woman only wanting to gain attention. "We could be together longer~"

"Ira may sound annoyin', but she be right, mate. We've been robbin' from banks fer a long time aft'r wha' happened with tha sudden mishap in tha oth'r mansion."

Ira glared at Hiro with a hiss before looking back at her lovely Cayden as she batted her eyelashes, much to her dismay.

But Cayden could care less as he slammed the pencil down and darkly stared at the two of his minions. "No more robbing banks. No more stealing silly toys from mansions either."

"But it did cost a lot," Ira mumbled, only to earn a flick on her forehead by him. "Aw, Cayden!~ That hurt!"

"The very reason why we started stealing is only for the betterment of each of our futures. This very mansion could be the only way to solve our problems," he explained, staring down at the blueprints. "I do not want to drag violence into this... We can get this job done quickly and safely, no one getting hurt in the end."

Hiro chuckled as he gobbled more fries down. "I must admit, mate. Fer a thief, ya sure love ta think it's somethin' peaceful. Wha' makes ya think there would be no violence in stealin' a safe holdin' tha ancient treasure of tha' royal family?"

Cayden returned a small smile back at him as he played with his pencil. "Because I'll make sure there would be no one in the way for me to hurt."

Is what I thought.

I stared down the hallway, the whispers of death haunting me as it echoed with every step I took. Looking around, I sighed, feeling as though I was back in the moment where everything fell apart.

Stopping before a family portrait, I stared up at the smiling faces, specifically at the boy sitting in the middle of them all. Shakily taking a deep breath, I looked away.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, walking away after glancing at the chair he sat on for who knows how long.

Suddenly, I felt a buzz in my pocket, causing me to instantly pull out the device Hiro specifically made to send the location of the other devices to me.

I stared at the certain beaming red dot on the screen of the map, indicating where Ira and Hiro were.

That being together on a level below me...

Does that mean the two took my coworkers down?

Sighing, I walked towards the stairs, wondering what could be in store for me. Perhaps a twist or two that could leave me in complete shock.

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