Flower Crowns Are a Girl's Best Friend!

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Twins, a pair of siblings that people often are delighted to see

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Twins, a pair of siblings that people often are delighted to see. However, they are nothing but clueless over the weight sitting upon the pair's shoulders, standing under the watchful eyes of others.

Beneath the surface, there will always be one twin who'd be more aware of the world than the other, the latter always living in the moment rather than bothering about anything else.

That's 'cause they have their twin to watch over them.

Deep within one twin lies a sea of endless thoughts. Thoughts about their identity, their appearance, their future; like waves, they rise and tumble. And most times, a storm unfolds.

There is something about being a twin though. We are not just siblings. Not just carried and birthed by the same mother. Not just grow up together from the second the light welcomes us to the new world. We are perfect halves of each other. The half that isn't me is him. And the half that isn't him is me. Perfect halves as different as dawn and dusk.

Although it's the obvious truth, it is strange to say we are not equals. No matter how similar or different we are, we don't shine the same.

I live through the dark, glowing a light that isn't even my own. There I sit, beautiful yet hauntingly in silver. Yet still, I can nor ever be the color of gold.

After all, can the moon even compare to the sun?

This was our universe. A time when I constantly depended on his light to glow. But now, that's no longer the case. We now stand in two separate worlds... He became the light for the world, while I remain as the new moon, waiting to shift to the next phase and constantly wondering when the light will shine for me to glow beautifully again... even when there's no planet to watch me.

Here I remain, hidden within the darkness of space.

However, at one point, there was a moment when I came to understand the power of the moon. A moment when someone made me understand that the moon is more potent than what I imagined.

It all started during my trip to Japan after smuggling myself in Dad's suitcase...

There's always something about parties that gives me the great urge to disappear. Constantly being ignored for not being the future heir to a company as great as Suoh Enterprises makes you start to see a side of people no child could ever notice unless they grew within that darkness. On the other hand, constantly considered as a prized possession that could be offered in terms of negotiation makes you start to notice the masks people can easily slip on. All for the sake of what? The idea is already too much to endure...

So there I go, slipping away from people's gazes to finally embrace peace of mind, running to the gardens with the urge to be in the company of nature.

But when arriving, it was with great disappointment to come upon another being who had the same thought in mind as I, a child my age who'd rather sit in a garden than put up a show for adults to enjoy.

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