Oh My God They Were Roommates

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If you walk to the farthest of neighborhoods

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If you walk to the farthest of neighborhoods... in the middle of nowhere, walk to the house settled at the end of the street. It may be broken down and old compared to the rest of the mansions, where they stand tall and new, they don't know what challenges lie ahead. Not like this battered house that continues to stand greatly compared to its former comrades.

Walk into this house, through the gloomy rooms where no light could ever touch, down the stairs to the basement... find the smallest and darkest room... then open the door.

This is where Tashina's heart lies.

You open the door, to find a pathway well-lit. You find chandeliers and luxurious works of art. You find portraits hanging on the walls... precious, irreplaceable portraits. There, music plays. The sound of the Celtic harp enchanting the hall, with its twinkling notes plunging you into an ocean of memories and sorrow... yet you still yearn for more...

This is where Tashina's treasures lie.

And there, once you reach the end of the path, there, hanging on the wall, is a portrait of her dearest brother: Tomoe.

This is what Tashina holds closest to her heart... so close, that it hurts.

This is the world Tashina keeps hidden from others. A world hidden due to her own reasons.

To Tashina, it's too precious to allow others to see.

So there the room lies, untouched, unnoticed... unknown. Far hidden deep within the old house, too ugly and worn down to take heed to... to love.

It will remain this way, that's what Tashina has decided.

However, it's time she learned that the tighter she holds her heart, the more she'd lose her grip over it.

She'll learn that the hard way, of course.

Tashina watched Nanami read a magazine from afar, wondering when she grew a sudden interest in such things. After all, Nanami was the kind of person who wouldn't bother with trends. But perhaps it's slowly changing considering the fact that she attends a school for the elite.

But the reason Tashina watched Nanami attentively wasn't because of her weird new interest. It was because of the gent barking her ear off.

Nanami clearly wasn't interested, and the audacity that he held for taking a seat across her... the nerve.

But Nanami was a big girl. She can handle herself.

And with that, Tashina's gaze traveled down to the broom in her grip, continuing to sweep around without a care in the world. No one could even guess that royal blood runs through her very veins.

Approached by a brunette who appeared quite cute even when dressed in work clothes, she smiled appreciatively. "Thanks for helping out, Toshiro. Although you can just relax since I invited you here as a guest."

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