Why Have Friends When You Can Have Fries

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There are marvelous wonders in this world

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There are marvelous wonders in this world. Wonders taken for granted, wonders that are admired, wonders that are overlooked, and wonders that fail to be noticed. My mama taught me how to notice the unnoticeable.

Dictionaries, the world's most boring books. Everyone can agree to that (unless there are those who actually hold great interest in them). However, dictionaries are the gates that lead to a world of boundless knowledge and magical words.

All it takes is to simply read through it.

Of course, I'm actually terrible at picking words up right away. It takes time for me. But the words that stayed with me, oh, they sound so sensational.

"Look at this word, Léa. How beautiful would it sound when you say it?" Maman said as she gestured to the word in the dictionary. I was but a child, sitting on her lap while the dictionary was opened upon my own. The way Maman finds a word for us to read is by closing the book, then opening it again to land on a random page, before skimming through the words to find out which stands out the most to her.

My eyebrows squinted as I tried to vocalize it. "Sere... nity."

Her body shook against my back, indicating that she softly chuckled. "It's 'serendipity'. Now, look what it means."

And so, I did.

Serendipity (n): the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

"Now you'll know the word for when something like that happens~!" she gushed. "Let's find another word..."

And so she shut the book before opening it again and pointed at a specific word.

"Heliophile," she whispered, then rested her chin against the top of my head. "Isn't that right, Sunflower?"

Heliophile (n): an attraction to sunlight; a need for the sun.

I grinned, understanding what she meant. "Sunflower."

"Mm-hmm~! Sunflower," she cooed and littered my face with fresh kisses that led to the sounds of my squealing echoing throughout the mansion.

How those memories always warm my heart. Such memories that I use to help me move forward and make my mark in this world.

Of course, getting that done is quite difficult right now, especially when I'm nowhere near my battlefield. After all, a semester has been completed in Ouran, thus leading to Summer vacation.

I sighed irritatedly as my eyes skimmed through the pictures, trying to pay attention while not letting this blasted heat get the better of me. But reading a simple magazine is difficult too, considering this fool sitting next to me chatting my ear off. How did I possibly end up in this resort pension with some random guy proceeding to hit on me?

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