Out of Our Minds!

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"I'm sorry, but do I know you, sir? If you try anything perverty, I won't hesitate to call the police." I said with a gentle smile, being all lady-like.

A few seconds ticked by as we stayed in this position, Kyoya on top of me, holding me down as his eyebrows furrowed. The wind softly blew, dancing with Kyoya's hair as it shone due to the bright sunlight. I couldn't help but grow the urge to touch it, seeing how fluffy and wild it seemed.

But I have to keep to my senses. I can't be with him or any of the club members any longer.

"What kind of a joke is this you seem to be playing, Ms. Nanami?" Kyoya questioned with a smirk, breaking the silence. "Are you seriously going to use that kind of a technique to get rid of me?"

I tilted my head, my smile still plastered on my lips. "How do you know my name is Nanami? Sounds like a stalker to me."

"The Nanami I know is very dumb. For she left her bill in the bag she handed to me. The one filled with snacks."

Damn. I am dumb.

Okay, Nanami. Play along and get this over with.

"I suppose your friend and I share the same faults. But that doesn't make us the same person... Now if you let me go, we can all forget about this certain act you have done and go back to our daily lives," I suggested, gesturing to his hands gripping on to my wrists.

Kyoya lifted an eyebrow until it went back to his cool smile, the one he expresses to his customers. "Ah. I apologize for my sudden behavior. You just looked almost exactly like my friend. The two of you surprisingly share the same name, the same face, and the same brain."

"Oh, there's no need to-" I started, until interrupted by the Shadow King.

"That brain lacking of logical knowledge. So very dumb indeed."

I felt a tick-mark trying to break free from my forehead, but I held it back.

"You also seem to act just like her. Very unrealistic."

I pursed my lips, taking a deep breath as I did so.

"And you actually thought that I would believe a foreign lady like you is an otaku who suddenly learned how to speak Japanese without being related to anyone from Japan. My, my, Ms. Nanami, what a dumb idea." He chuckled as he pulled my sunglasses off.

I hissed, pushing him off of me and got on my knees, ready to punch the guy as he laid on the ground facing my fiery gaze. "No one ever understands the concept of otaku's! They're everywhere! Even when you least expect a certain person! They'll instantly surprise you by speaking Japanese!" I yelled, my fist ready to punch if he tries anything. "And I'm not dumb, you idiotic, parasitic, stupid Shadow King! Now speak your last words before you die by my fists of fury!"

Kyoya's glasses slid off his eyes and onto his forehead as he stared up at me in silence.

I bet I looked like a lunatic with my hair all over the place and my expression representing chaos. My heavy breathing didn't help either.

But all he did was smile as his hand went up to my hair and gently brushed my bangs aside. "We missed you," he said in a hushed and relieved tone. "You haven't changed at all."

"That sounds very satisfying," I murmured after rolling my eyes.

"You're still as crazy as the many times we've been together," he added.

I groaned, knowing this isn't getting us anywhere. "That's the first thing you say to me when we meet each other again, Kyoya. I'm touched." I sat back, no longer feeling like hurting him.

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