The Sorely Lost and the Lustrous!

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I lifted my hands up from the warm water and placed it against my forehead, checking my temperature

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I lifted my hands up from the warm water and placed it against my forehead, checking my temperature. Of course, since my whole body was enveloped in a cozy blanket of water that made my mind feel at ease, doesn't mean that my heart was doing any better.

I sighed as I glanced down at the pink water with flower petals sprinkled on top, before glancing to the wall clock.

"Please don't move too much, Milady! Why don't you lay your head comfortably against the towel?" a cautious voice whispered to me as I pursed my lips while my head was massaged with fragrant oils and shampoos.

Doing as she said, I waited for her to finish while processing what had happened in the last few hours that made me end up here. Thinking of a few specific moments, my mind snapped before I slapped the water, much to the maid's dismay as she gasped.

"Just what exactly is Kyoya thinking?" I hissed as I covered my bare chest with my arms when sitting up. "He only said that he needed to be here for a quick minute! And what happens instead?"

"Milady, please calm down! I'm sure Master Kyoya would come by to fetch you in no time-"

"He makes me go through this... this..."

"Spa treatment."

"Spa treatment!" I yelled before spitting out a few rose petals that got caught in my mouth. "Damn that stupid love potion!"

At the moment, I was in one of the bathrooms of the Ootori Mansion, dragged by maids to get a spa treatment done.

How I got here? It's kind of a long story...

~·●A While Ago●·~
I stared out the window, grumbling to myself while glancing towards the Lustrous King sitting next to me ever-so-often. My suit was the only thing between us, as I took it off since it no longer came to use.

I didn't have the energy to go to an amusement park, especially during this time of day. All I had the energy to do, was eat.

"Is there a problem, Princess?"

Grinning when seeing him give me an opportunity, I turned towards him with rage in my eyes. "Yes. As a matter of fact, there is a problem, Shadow King."

He chuckled at my attitude and brushed a few stray hair's away from my eyes before gesturing to the window next to me. "Too late to listen to them. We're already here," he exclaimed as he opened his door and climbed out of the car.


I looked outside of my window, frowning when seeing no roller coasters, no merry-go-round, no balloons flying to the air, no ferris wheel, and no candy stalls. All there was, was monkey bars, swings, a sand pit, slides, a pretty fountain, and a stall. My lips parted as I saw a few children running around, playing together, and doing what children do.

Without hesitation, I opened the door and walked out, not caring if I was dressed in a dress shirt and tie, while my wig dropped from my head, revealing my blonde and messy hair bun. All I cared about was the liveliness in such a small area.

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