Being Stared at Like Some Fine China Teapot

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There was a time when I was a child where I visited Japan

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There was a time when I was a child where I visited Japan. Maman didn't come, and neither did René. It was just Dad and me.

How was it possible? Well, now that is a funny story.

Let's just say that instead of waiting a year for Dad to visit us in France again, I took the initiative and zipped myself up (along with water bottles and a few snacks) in one of his suitcases after tossing out all its contents in my walk-in closet, and even left a note behind if anyone were to start wondering where I was.

I planned everything rather well for someone who was only seven. Reading through his emails, then his flight timings, including what kind of plane he was flying in (thankfully a private jet); I practically felt like some sort of secret agent.

Funny how Dad kept his phone off during the whole journey, thus not being able to answer any of Maman's calls regarding my whereabouts until after he was settled in his room in Suoh Mansion #1.

Because while he was just lounging about while leaving his suitcases sprawled in his walk-in closet, I took this as a sign to climb out and make my presence known.

Never before had I heard a man scream at a pitch so high, I almost thought I saw cracks form on the windows.

Of course, Dad did give me a good lecture before calling Maman and informing her that I was safe, which led to another long lecture with her but judging by Dad's little skip in his walk, it was safe to assume that he was actually excited that I was with him.

After managing the paperwork, and whatever work was necessary because technically, I entered a country illegally, Dad decided it was best for him to take me back to France after two weeks since he had business to take care of.

No one other than Maman, Dad, and a couple of staff members knew of my presence in Japan, since it was unknown how Grandmother would react when seeing her son's illegitimate child. So it was then that Dad shifted us to a resort for the time being, as he didn't want me to come across the Old Hag by accident.

Needless to say, I was thrilled to spend more time with Dad while simultaneously getting a break from my brother.

Come on! We all need a vacation from our siblings at one point!

But it was during that vacation did my father teach me something valuable.

It was a business party, and Dad decided that he should be honest and show how prideful of a father he is with me as his daughter, rather than continuing to lock me up or speak lies about who I am. He hated it, and I was too grateful to ever question him.

But when the time came where I grew nervous after everyone's eyes landed on me, and ran away from such expectant eyes, I found myself in a zen garden.

I don't remember clearly, for it only happened during a time where I was falling apart, but Dad found me and sat with me, discussing his favorite soap operas, and how much he loved their theme music. When I felt my calmest, Dad decided to speak something that changed my perspective of him and raised it to the sky.

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