Level Two: Medium!

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"Right," Tashina whispered to me as we creeped our way through the second floor's hallway. We both turned right before stopping, me waiting for Tashina's next command. "To the left," she said, zooming left through the next hallway. Chuckling, I followed her. "Take it back now," she muttered, huddling backwards while pushing me in the process. Hissing, I did as she said after smacking her back. "One hop this time," she murmured, jumping over a fallen desk, me doing the same after rolling my eyes. "Right foot, stomp," she ordered, stomping over a fallen bookshelf.

Just exactly what was the imposter behind the fallen items trying to achieve?!

"Left foot, let's stomp."

We stomped with our left foot.

"Cha-cha real smooth."

As we did the cha-cha, realization took over me as we did the routine all over again.

"Slide to the left~" Tashina stated as she slid to another hallway. "Slide to the right~"

"Tashina!" I whisper-yelled. "Do you wanna get caught?"

"Criss-cross!" she announced quietly while doing so to face me. "Do you want to know what I do when I'm nervous?"

I stared at her in silence as she sweated with uneasiness in her eyes. Yet she did the cha-cha so smoothly...

The way we found out about this specific dance was when we were surfing the net during a boring day back when we used to live here while Tomoe was still alive. At first, we were weirded out by how the Americans had their way of dancing. But as we tried to follow the steps, we suddenly felt a sense enjoyment as we did the routine over and over again.

"I dance my way out of the situation," Tashina explained, waking me up from my little trance. "So as I said: two hops this time!"

I groaned as I followed her, knowing there wasn't any other option. After all, she's the only one who can trace one of the two gangsters due to her strong memory.

And judging by how much furniture was out of place, the one we're tracing is definitely Ira. After knowing Cayden for a long period of time, it's obvious to me that he wouldn't carelessly leave a trail.

Or is this a part of some plan?

The way each and every piece of furniture laid on the ground, getting more and more messy...

My eyes widened as I gasped, holding out my hand to grab the cha-cha master. "Tashina, wait!" I hissed quietly.

As she slowly turned towards me with raised eyebrows while taking a step backward, she glanced down, as if instantly knowing something went wrong. I looked down as well only to see a small string tugged on by her ankle, it seeming so fragile as she moved her foot away from it.

We connected eyes, ready for whatever is to come. As a few seconds passed by where we stood frozen to the ground, I exhaled. "We're fine... yes, we are..."

"Yes, I completely agree," she chuckled while sweating.

We waited a few more seconds before sighing, the tension so thick that it could be sliced by a knife.

"We must be careful. Who knows what kind of a trap she planted," I murmured, relieved that Tashina stopped her dance.

"Yeah... yeah, you're right. No more traps..." she stammered, slowly walking with caution. "Just a nice walk with nothing to be afraid of-" she uttered before yelping as she tripped over to the ground.

I gasped and rushed to her. "Are you okay?"

She groaned in response until she froze, confusing me. Slowly, she turned to face me with wide eyes, then looked at the ground, or something on it. I did as well, hoping it wasn't what I think it was.

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